Author Topic: Is CS:GO p2w?  (Read 2484 times)

Is Counter Strike: Global Offensive pay to win? I'm considering buying this game. I'm just wondering if this game is pay to win. Does anyone on here play the game?

the skins are just for looks (or profit if that's what you want i guess) and don't do anything besides look cool

Is Counter Strike: Global Offensive pay to win? I'm considering buying this game. I'm just wondering if this game is pay to win. Does anyone on here play the game?
did you use google at all?

literally AT ALL?

not in the slightest

the only thing you can really buy are weapon cosmetics

Okay. Do you start out with the same load out as everyone else?

did you use google at all?

literally AT ALL?

Yes. I have googled, prick, that is the first thing you do. I saw mixed answers. Somebody wrote something about you can pay to level up faster or something on the Steam forums.

I don't know if CS is right for you.

Somebody wrote something about you can pay to level up faster or something on the Steam forums.
you were probably searching trading cards
also the first result i got answered your question about loadouts, buddy. you do start out with everything.

I don't know if CS is right for you.
« Last Edit: October 27, 2015, 10:13:59 PM by Snoop Da Dogg »

I don't know if CS is right for you.

Why? I'm not interested if it is pay to win. Weapon skins are fine. How do you make such an assumption.
« Last Edit: October 27, 2015, 10:15:51 PM by SinnerOG »

yeah you gotta buy all the weapoms with real life money! /s

Okay. Do you start out with the same load out as everyone else?

Yes. I have googled, prick, that is the first thing you do. I saw mixed answers. Somebody wrote something about you can pay to level up faster or something on the Steam forums.
I dont know what the hell you read but theres nothing that can give you an advantage over anything.

You can not invest into csgo and you will still have the same thing as everyone else. Its just skill.

It depends. You can pay to get a really expensive knife, and then get like $600 steam wallet money for that.

Actually, you can sell a knife for $23,850. So have fun with that.

I dont know what the hell you read but theres nothing that can give you an advantage over anything.

So I was confused. The constructive responses are appreciated, as opposed to the vague answers.

Yeah, that was to get to be able to play the competitive mode quicker. You still had to put hours in and it was just giving you "operations" to do.

i think the operation is over so you can't buy the pass anymore.
still, you have to do good to get more XP. the only point for getting more XP is so you can play the best part of the game, which is competitive mode, which is basically a 5v5 game, where the first to 16 wins. (you can read more about that somewhere else on the internet)
« Last Edit: October 27, 2015, 10:22:04 PM by AcornCake »