Author Topic: Programming Megathread  (Read 107574 times)

i need to get back into programming to prepare for actually being a computer programmer. i'm pretty good with object oriented programming (specifically java) since i've been doing that for 4 years in high school but it's been like 3 months since i've actually done programming. i was planning on picking up C++ or C, or maybe playing around with python but i haven't been motivated enough to do anything and i wouldn't know where to start since basic tutorials are too basic and i'm too lazy to look for intermediate things. what do i do?

"Intermediate" tutorials don't exist. True intermediate skill means you are capable of combining multiple basic elements to create an end product without a guide. For example.. creating a login form with account system, TCP sockets to send messages, and a room system are all "basic" or "beginner" tasks that you can follow tutorials to do, but writing your own IRC server is an intermediate task because it combines them.

i need to get back into programming to prepare for actually being a computer programmer. i'm pretty good with object oriented programming (specifically java) since i've been doing that for 4 years in high school but it's been like 3 months since i've actually done programming. i was planning on picking up C++ or C, or maybe playing around with python but i haven't been motivated enough to do anything and i wouldn't know where to start since basic tutorials are too basic and i'm too lazy to look for intermediate things. what do i do?
I'd recommend what trinick said, but on top of that if you're looking for a new language to hop on I'd suggest just going balls deep into C.  Why?  Why the hell not.

for some reason I find C easier to use/learn than C++
but overall prefer java

for some reason I find C easier to use/learn than C++
but overall prefer java
That's because C is a very simple language albeit with a lot of advanced nuances in regards to compilation. C++ is a clusterforget of a runtime trying too hard to do everything.

C++ is a clusterforget of a runtime trying too hard to do everything.

I think you're thinking of the C++ standard library.

C++ is a clusterforget of a runtime trying too hard to do everything.

C++ being weird is the sole reason it's been a gas trying to learn how to use UE4

C++ being weird is the sole reason it's been a gas trying to learn how to use UE4

Please give me one example in which C++'s behavior is unexpected or "weird." I have never seen a language with less unexpected behavior than C++.

It's hard to really describe because I'm pretty new to programming languages and I started with java and C#. I just personally find it hard to get used to after dabbling in the latter two for so long

It's probably due to my own faults but there's a certain amount of expectations to syntax that I've gotten used to that C++ seems to subvert that's personally hard to explain. Certainly not a fault of the language
« Last Edit: August 19, 2016, 10:18:15 AM by IkeTheGeneric »

Please give me one example in which C++'s behavior is unexpected or "weird." I have never seen a language with less unexpected behavior than C++.
Having worked with the Unreal 4 framework myself, I kinda get what he means. It's not that C++ is weird, it's just that the Unreal 4 framework is weird and relatively poorly documented. They have a website that lists what all the functions and classes and member functions are, but at least half the pages for individual functions are completely blank (or practically nondescript). So it's like learning Torque in that most of what you need to know is acquired knowledge and isn't very readily available, but on a much more complex language.
« Last Edit: August 19, 2016, 08:25:56 PM by Pecon »

after toying around with the programmable block in space engineers, which happened to use c#, and after seeing the basics of it I've now decided to pick it up as a secondary programming language

you forgot brainforget interpreter scripting language
« Last Edit: August 21, 2016, 02:24:39 PM by NotBomberguy »