Author Topic: Halloween Pack  (Read 16059 times)

classic goth77
right on the money
I like to laugh at any time goth makes something and someone is like 'this is garbage' and then everyone agrees.

anyways the candy pile and bucket are good
please redo the monsters

Also, ignore all nonconstructive criticisms, haters gona hate.

Please don't tell him that. It translates to "ignore all criticisms" and that isn't the point.
I want him to improve.

I tried explaining to him that .dts exports to tris anyways, so modeling in quads isn't more "efficient" in Blockland's dts case. Not sure about bricks though. Yeah those too. He uses blender and I use milkshape so that's why there's always such a debate about it between us two.

We've had many arguments about it actually, and he still feels like quads are a lower poly, even though it's all the same after it gets exported. Not sure if it will ever get resolved.

Ive looked it up.
A .dts file is a basic data transfer file meaning a .dts 3d model is considered a .3ds file which can NOT export in quads. Unlike a .obj file that does export in quads.
Also .blb's do support quad faces. You can tell by using the swirl FX on a brick to see it's faces. This is also how print faces are specified.
(A .blb that uses tri faces cannot have a print face on it. I know, Ive tried)
« Last Edit: November 01, 2015, 02:39:34 AM by Mr.Noßody »

Please don't tell him that. It translates to "ignore all criticisms" and that isn't the point.
No, it translates to exactly what he said: "ignore all nonconstructive criticisms". Constructive criticism is not the same as general criticism.

No, it translates to exactly what he said: "ignore all nonconstructive criticisms". Constructive criticism is not the same as general criticism.

Wow, you missed the entire idea behind that comment.
Way to be 100% literal.

Wow, you missed the entire idea behind that comment.
Way to be 100% literal.
Try and be more explicit in what you mean I guess? You can't expect everyone to understand the 'idea' of your posts if the literal meaning of the post doesn't reflect it lol.

Try and be more explicit in what you mean I guess? You can't expect everyone to understand the 'idea' of your posts if the literal meaning of the post doesn't reflect it lol.

Let me be brutally clear. If you knew the OP and how he reacts to these kinds of scenarios you would know that he can be very headstrong on what he thinks will and will not work when it comes to model style, more eager to ignore criticism if it means rethinking design choice. In it's entirety, the probability that he will ignore all criticism aside from just non constructive criticism (of which I'm not fully convinced actually exists) is extremely high.

If you missed it, and I know you did, I was trying to not be brutally honest by going directly out and saying it like that since it might be hurtful to the ones it's directed towards. But it seems that people like you would rather be quicker to state the obvious than to think about the inflections of why I said what I said.

To clarify any misconceptions, I like that Gothboy actually tries to makes things. I just want him to get better at making models and make better design choices.

The more you are questioned the more convoluted your posts become lol.

If you want him to get better at making models, treating him like a fool will not achieve that. If anything, the tone you're taking towards him is only going to further entrench him in his own views.

The more you are questioned the more convoluted your posts become lol.

If you want him to get better at making models, treating him like a fool will not achieve that. If anything, the tone you're taking towards him is only going to further entrench him in his own views.

Holy stuff, where to begin...
Treating him like a fool? Please point out where I explicitly treated him like a fool because I believe I stated what I thought needed to be improved in a relatively nice way.
Besides, the tone I have is not directed towards him, its directed towards you for missing the point and misconstruing a comment I made to make it as offensive as possible.

Either way, at this point its not even worth trying to explain it if you can't put 1 and 1 together.

Thank you for your work, Goth. Already posted a news about your new add-on.

these look like dressed up fetuses omg wtf lol
they need to at least kinda look like the default playertype to work
you need to fix the bad stuff you make to get better fyi, and it seems you have no intention on doing so. leaving it as-is doesn't help you at all
« Last Edit: November 02, 2015, 02:02:54 AM by Judge »

right on the money
I like to laugh at any time goth makes something and someone is like 'this is garbage' and then everyone agrees.
but it's truly bad though

cool mod but if blockheads were lego, these dudes look like the megabloks equivalent

literately the only reason why I wouldn't download

not tryna be mean, just constructive

Man, what's with all this hate? I agree with fixing the hands size and other small tweaks but some of these replies were kinda unnecessary.
« Last Edit: November 04, 2015, 09:02:46 PM by Filipe »

Man, what's with all this hate? I agree with fixing the hands size and other small tweaks but most of these replies were kinda unnecessary.

some of it is constructive criticism and, albeit strong, suggestions