Author Topic: Server could not verify your Blockland ID  (Read 6459 times)

When I start a server I get this in my console log.
"UDP initialized on port 7125" shouldn't that be port 28000?
This is just a bunch of debug output from the black magic that is UPnP, it's unrelated to your authentication issue.

Sounds like the exact thing that you need to ask AT&T support about is "Is my UDP and TCP traffic being routed through separate IP addresses? If you are, it's probably breaking one of the games I play and I need it to stop doing that."

Sounds like the exact thing that you need to ask AT&T support about is "Is my UDP and TCP traffic being routed through separate IP addresses? If you are, it's probably breaking one of the games I play and I need it to stop doing that."
Thanks. I have posted almost those exact words to AT&T help forums and such. Now I am waiting for a hopefully helpful response. I've PMed Badspot about this a few times, since he would be able to see what's going on with my BL connection (or lack thereof). He won't answer. It's pretty frustrating because he has replied to me before about other things. I don't know if I should be asking my ISP to give me a solution when I don't even know exactly what the problem is.

I did a port check and guess what...

TCP and UDP are both doing this. I don't know what to do.

Port 28000 is only used if you're hosting with default configs, as a client it's irrelevant.

Can you switch to a ISP that is greater than AT&T?

Port 28000 is only used if you're hosting with default configs, as a client it's irrelevant.
Ok. Is there some sort of other test I can run to see if my Blockland connection is working? If this is from UDP and TCP using separate IP addresses shouldn't there be a way that I can confirm that? Most of this is a foreign language to me, but I'm willing to try just about anything.

Can you switch to a ISP that is greater than AT&T?
Sadly, no. I live in a somewhat rural area. People less than a mile down my street have Charter, but the connection doesn't reach my house. Verizon has insane prices with tiny data caps (I think 20GB a month was like $300 or something ridiculous) but at least Blockland actually worked on it. Now I'm stuck with this AT&T Unite Pro hotspot. It's unlimited and way cheaper than Verizon, but sometimes it has dinosaur-age connection. It also supposedly filters or blocks my internet traffic with Blockland. I've spent hours and hours and hours trying to understand and fix it, but I'm pretty much out of ideas now.

I'm behind a proxy. If that's screwing with my connection is there a way I can fix it? Every proxy tunnel site I've tried to open is blocked.

Using a VPN now, is saying I'm not behind a proxy anymore. Didn't fix the problem. Still can't connect. I can see chat messages in the three seconds between joining and getting kicked out.

Using proxies/vpns in general isn't really a good idea - These also make your connection much slower which is not recommended for gaming

Using proxies/vpns in general isn't really a good idea - These also make your connection much slower which is not recommended for gaming
The proxy is from my ISP. I was using the VPN to get through. It didn't work anyway so I stopped using it.

Does anyone have other suggestions?

I tried connecting to a server and got something slightly different. Looks like I can't communicate with other peoples IP-s for some reason.
Code: [Select]
Connecting to "Tezuni's Prison Escape" (, 153ms)
  Download Sounds:      False
  Download Music:       False
  Download Textures:    False

Sending challenge request...
Sending Connect challenge Request
No response from
No response from
Got connect challenge response from
Sending connect request
No response from
No response from
Connection established
Connected successfully, killing other pending connections
No response from
Connection with server lost.
Issuing Disconnect packet.

I stayed connected to the server for 5-10 seconds (nothing loading though). I was able to watch the chat actively going in that time.

You're able to connect to the server successfully, that's why you can see the chat. But the server disconnects you when the master server gives the no-go on your authentication.

You're able to connect to the server successfully, that's why you can see the chat. But the server disconnects you when the master server gives the no-go on your authentication.
Ok, makes sense.

Would some kind of tunneling work, so I can bypass whatever my ISP is doing to my traffic? Or does that only work when trying to avoid a proxy? My ISP does have me behind one but when I tried using a VPN to get around it Blockland still didn't work. I have ruled out a proxy as my issue. This must be from using AT&T's mobile network, but this is really puzzling because Verizon hotspots never did this with Blockland. I've messed around with my current hotspot's settings a lot and haven't been able to get any changes. I made sure to put everything back the way I found it so I don't ruin the internet for the rest of my family.

I'm also getting this about a hundred times in my console log when trying to authenticate
Code: [Select]
WARNING: authTCPobj_Client - got non-200 http response "400"
WARNING: 4xx error on authTCPobj_Client, retrying
WARNING: authTCPobj_Client - got non-200 http response "400"
WARNING: 4xx error on authTCPobj_Client, retrying
WARNING: authTCPobj_Client - got non-200 http response "400"
WARNING: 4xx error on authTCPobj_Client, retrying

Is there an option to reset all defaults on your router?

I think you may accidentally some how mess with one of your settings to block Blockland.