Author Topic: stufflord and the stuffposting  (Read 23499 times)

"Pot calling the Kettle black". He's calling you a hypocrite.

I understand the brown townogy but what do you even search on google to find a picture that ambiguous

I understand the brown townogy but what do you even search on google to find a picture that ambiguous

black pot and kettle

I understand the brown townogy but what do you even search on google to find a picture that ambiguous
It's the picture used to annotate the wikipedia article on the idiom.
Maybe it's just me, but I found it obvious what he meant.

Then what are you getting on about?
You said it was an ambiguous image, I said it was obvious to me what it meant.

I'm saying Camel's taste in pot kettle black images sucks and he needs to git gud

i thought the irony of him insulting someone for talking about stuff they didn't know was good enough but this is just the icing on the cake.

I'm saying Camel's taste in pot kettle black images sucks and he needs to git gud
i have gotten good, i got you quite well i'd say.

i thought the irony of him insulting someone for talking about stuff they didn't know was good enough but this is just the icing on the cake.

No the irony is that you got thrown off because I said 'kitchenware' instead of 'pot and kettle' and you automatically took it as me not understanding your stuffty allusion to the go-to idiom for every passive aggressive twerp on the internet, instead of addressing the question, effectively turning my two cents into a giant mess for the sole purpose of insulting me in a topic that has nothing to do with me in the first place.

i have gotten good, i got you quite well i'd say.

cool, now go see if you can get a life

No the irony is that you got thrown off because I said 'kitchenware' instead of 'pot and kettle' and you automatically took it as me not understanding your stuffty allusion to the go-to idiom for every passive aggressive twerp on the internet, instead of addressing the question, effectively turning my two cents into a giant mess for the sole purpose of insulting me in a topic that has nothing to do with me in the first place.
is that ironic?

i could have called you a hypocrite but decided to get snazzy, you know, mix it up. it's not like i've never seen you post before rally, i know where i'm coming from when i say you have a tendency to put others below yourself.

i also don't see how saying someone is being hypocritical is an insult. if the pot had turned to the kettle and discussed the latest issue of Time magazine, i wouldn't call him a hypocrite, just two ambiguous pieces of kitchenware discussing topics.

also what are the ramifications of a stuffty allusion? it wasn't fecal in any way to me, unless you're suggesting the pot and kettle are blackened by human or animal waste, in which case get your mind out of the gutter! is this the giant mess you're referring to?

cool, now go see if you can get a life
that's a good one, i've never thought of saying that to someone else. very existential.

If you really care this much about your opinion of me go make a drama and I'll respond to it there because I can't imagine furthering the conversation here is going to accomplish much except waste everybody's time. Until then please forward further criticism to the suggestion box.

If you really care this much about your opinion of me go make a drama and I'll respond to it there because I can't imagine furthering the conversation here is going to accomplish much except waste everybody's time. Until then please forward further criticism to the suggestion box.
waste everyone's time? it's 4 am! who's time are we wasting?

i'm not gonna give you the pleasure of a drama about yourself, seeing as how you seem to thrive off of negativity and arguments. if you really care about my opinion, please by all means continue to post in this thread, there's not a finite amount of posts we have you know.

also that link just took me to an image of a wastebasket, i still dunno where to send my complaints, i've got a lot of em. can i fax them to you?

also what are the ramifications of a stuffty allusion? it wasn't fecal in any way to me, unless you're suggesting the pot and kettle are blackened by human or animal waste, in which case get your mind out of the gutter! is this the giant mess you're referring to?
camel even though you're cool and your references are witty.

please stop. you know what he means by "stuffty."

camel even though you're cool and your references are witty.

please stop. you know what he means by "stuffty."
i will admit i was clownin around there

unrelated but please from now on speak only in rhyme

waste everyone's time? it's 4 am! who's time are we wasting?

i'm not gonna give you the pleasure of a drama about yourself, seeing as how you seem to thrive off of negativity and arguments. if you really care about my opinion, please by all means continue to post in this thread, there's not a finite amount of posts we have you know.

Almost 7PM on my end.

I actually loving hate arguing because it's sorta exhausting which is why I was really hoping you'd take my last post as an out so we wouldn't have to continue this any further because unfortunately I have a life-long commitment to combat everybody's negative opinion of me due to not having enough friends as a kid (homeschool).

Yes there's an infinite amount of posts but if we take up this entire page to ourselves arguing about each other when the thread is dedicated to neither of us we're going to get swarmed by the peanut gallery lynch mob complaining about derailment which is why I suggested you to create a drama in the first place.

also that link just took me to an image of a wastebasket, i still dunno where to send my complaints, i've got a lot of em. can i fax them to you?

I do not have a fax machine but you can mail them to the address located in my profile

motion to just ignore rally and continue with the conversation proper