Author Topic: stufflord and the stuffposting  (Read 23500 times)

there were plenty of times where i got into something and i just baked out because i didnt want to argue about it or i saw something and i was going to post something that could cause an argument and i just decided not to

there was a serious effort to improve

it was more of a change into an equally bad demeanor rather than improvement but hey it's better than still arguing everywhere

You went from arguing everywhere, to being a backseat moderator, and now you seem to be drifting back to the argumentative side of the continuum.

I swear, people post this stuff because a user with a name like stufflord would normally be an easy target.
He causes less problems than half the people in this topic.

i mean you guys stuffpost too
i'll dig through your posts if you want, you guys must've really dug considering the quotes go back to August 20th.
Uh, going back just under 3 months isn't very far at all. That's not even close to outside of memory, even on the forums.

Sure, you could dig up the same amount of annoying things like that from other people too.
But chances are if you wanted 22 instances where I or many others back-seat moderated, or posted needless one-word posts, you'd be going back over years.

I don't know where this defence always seems to come from, but just because someone hasn't done something for a week, doesn't mean he no longer does it or is excused for having done it regularly for months.

You went from arguing everywhere, to being a backseat moderator, and now you seem to be drifting back to the argumentative side of the continuum.
This is the truth of the matter. He went from one annoying habit to another.
And posting one-word remarks, even if it's just because you're saying it's funny, is just as annoying.
Come up with something actually worth saying. Your posts in that sense are as useful as people who just quote the person above them and say nothing.

Also, given this is the internet and we're just typing to each other, "lmao" can come off as disingenuous on its own. Like you're being sarcastic.

loving this buzzword right here
How else would you describe the act of regularly coming into multiple topics and telling people what to do, or that they're going to be banned?

How else would you describe the act of regularly coming into multiple topics and telling people what to do, or that they're going to be banned?
Citations needed. I'd like to see where you're getting the idea from that this is supposedly what he's been doing. Whatever he's been saying, I get the feeling you aren't accurately representing what he said.

Even so, what's wrong with warning people not to do stupid stuff? If its stuff like "dont requote that gif or you guys are gonna get banned" or "stop bumping this dead drama or else you could get banned", then that's a simple, common thing to say. How is stufflord such a special case here? People have often warned others not to do things that common sense could tell anyone is wrong to do, and somehow they're "backseat moderating"?

How else would you describe the act of regularly coming into multiple topics and telling people what to do, or that they're going to be banned?
NOEDIT: Either way, how can something as harmless as that have such potential to make you so sensitive like a salted snail? All stufflord has is a report button. You are on equal footing with him in that regard. Badspot is the one who will judge and decide. There is nothing to be afraid of.

Even so, what's wrong with warning people not to do stupid stuff? If its stuff like "dont requote that gif or you guys are gonna get banned" or "stop bumping this dead drama or else you could get banned", then that's a simple, common thing to say. How is stufflord such a special case here? People have often warned others not to do things that common sense could tell anyone is wrong to do, and somehow they're "backseat moderating"?
the thing about warning of chain bans, in my personal experience, is that the proportion of warnings of chainbans to actual chainbans is 100 to 1. it comes off as giddy excitement over the prospect of a chainban occuring rather than a stern warning, like when someone says "omg this is so illegal!" rather than "hey guys, this is illegal, stop"

i'm in the middle ground here. i definitely advocate for "thinking before you post", and i think a lot of people could save 10 bucks by just doing that, but at the same time i feel that composing perfect posts kinda defeats the purpose of having a laid back community and makes you seem a bit processed.

stufflord's not breaking any forum rules so he can and should continue to post however he wants, but hey, take what people say into consideration.

Did you even read the OP?
In a little over a month he was in 5 or 6 topics telling people that there's going to be a chainban (not even saying, "hey stop, you might get chainbanned", but practically celebrating that one would happen).

If you know anything about the forums, you know that chainbans are not very common. Hence the fact we all loving celebrate them when they do happen, and we've all been laughing our collective tits off at a chainban that happened half a decade ago.
That's how uncommon it is. 3 posts in a row of a joke/pun is not adequate reasoning for someone to come in and just blurt about chainbans, regardless of who is doing it. He's not trying to be helpful.

And, it comes off as extra annoying, when stufflord later comes into topics and starts having a go at people for not liking spam, because it's "no fun".

He's being an inconsistent, hypocritical little back-seat moderator.
That's the new persona he's been trying on for the last two months, and I think it's fair that we tell him it doesn't suit him.

NOEDIT: Either way, how can something as harmless as that have such potential to make you so sensitive like a salted snail? All stufflord has is a report button. You are on equal footing with him in that regard. Badspot is the one who will judge and decide. There is nothing to be afraid of.
Here's the thing.
I have a report to moderator button.
I use it, reasonably regularly, when I see people breaking the rules.

I don't report, and then come into the topic and point out how I'm reporting, or how they're breaking the rules, or how they're going to be banned.
It's not an issue that I think he actually has any power (back-seat drivers can't actually drive the car, but it doesn't make them any less annoying). It's that he feels the need to come in and point it out, like he's celebrating it. He doesn't even mention that he's reporting it, just that he expects it will cause a ban. Most of the time he's not even telling people to stop. He's just posting in the hope that it will be a ban, so he can later point and say "look at me, I was right!".

Even so, what's wrong with warning people not to do stupid stuff? If its stuff like "dont requote that gif or you guys are gonna get banned" or "stop bumping this dead drama or else you could get banned", then that's a simple, common thing to say.
There's a very obvious difference between "hey, you're gonna cause a chain ban, cut that stuff out", and "oh man there's SO gonna be a chain ban!".  He wasn't warning them - he was fangirl-squealing in either anticipation or celebration, considering how rare chain bans actually are.

All stufflord has is a report button. You are on equal footing with him in that regard.
stufflord also has the reply button.  stufflord decides to use both buttons at once - reporting, and then announcing it in hopes of being recognized.  You're implying we're on equal footing with an idiot.

Read the thread next time.

I know nothing about stufflord other that he talks like he thinks he knows what he's talking about but in actuality is normally laughably wrong. It's that kinda weird holier-than-thou attitude attributed to those weird yu-gi-oh fanatics who are too annoying to hang out with the geeks and isn't actually smart enough to be a nerd.

I know nothing about stufflord other that he talks like he thinks he knows what he's talking about but in actuality is normally laughably wrong. It's that kinda weird holier-than-thou attitude attributed to those weird yu-gi-oh fanatics who are too annoying to hang out with the geeks and isn't actually smart enough to be a nerd.

Legitimate question: Why did you decide to post a weirdly ominous picture of kitchenware instead of just straight up calling me an starfish? Was it for comedic value or are you just scared of speaking with some conviction for once?

Legitimate question: Why did you decide to post a weirdly ominous picture of kitchenware instead of just straight up calling me an starfish? Was it for comedic value or are you just scared of speaking with some conviction for once?
"Pot calling the Kettle black".
He's calling you a hypocrite.