Author Topic: Some servers are complete BS  (Read 7075 times)

I recently got banned from a few servers for the stupidest reason ever.

1. Navys server. An admin was being a richard, calling navy a dumbass and stuff like that, when i get banned. reason : ASS hole

2. Official TKB server. Reason : Not being in TKB. Wtf? How would I even join if I can't go on there servers? If you want it to be clan-only, get a loving password on it. Seriously.

Anyone else got some?

2. Official TKB server. Reason : Not being in TKB. Wtf? How would I even join if I can't go on there servers? If you want it to be clan-only, get a pandaing password on it. Seriously.

I didn't get banned, but i agree, they are total asshats. Some kid named block dude called me an idiot for Cussing.

2. Official TKB server. Reason : Not being in TKB. Wtf? How would I even join if I can't go on there servers? If you want it to be clan-only, get a pandaing password on it. Seriously.

I didn't get banned, but i agree, they are total asshats. Some kid named block dude called me an idiot for Cussing.
I think one of the people from there spammed my server with advertisements for their server.

Permabanned from that "Be an ninja" server, reason = You cuss!

I only said cigarette.

Perma Banned on assasinate server because I was hiding and the admin cheated to find me then i said he cheated and he banned me.

Every other server I go to it's a DM; The admins usually are cheating and /spying people to shoot people full of holes, right? Normally, this is OK; Everyone I know it does this every so often, right? But here's the thing; The admins typically shoot the crap out of me and say "HA HA PWNT" and when I say stuff like "That wasn't pwnt; That was more like cheating."

And he says "NO U SUX" and than I say "No, you cheated." I typically get a permaban after that.

I think the noobs are trying to get back at us. When we ban them for ridiculous reasons, they feel that they will do the same to us. Well, noobs, It doesn't work that way around these parts.

I think the noobs are trying to get back at us. When we ban them for ridiculous reasons, they feel that they will do the same to us. Well, noobs, It doesn't work that way around these parts.

It's fine with me! Their servers are turds in the toilet anyway.

I think the noobs are trying to get back at us. When we ban them for ridiculous reasons, they feel that they will do the same to us. Well, noobs, It doesn't work that way around these parts.

It's fine with me! Their servers are turds in the toilet anyway.
Pretty much yes.

The quality of the ban is directly proportional with the quality of the server.

stuffty bans make stuffty servers.

See, what I do is either go in servers with people hosting that I know, so that I won't be banned and I have my ass covered, or I host my own server and ban the millions of "/\/\4573|2 C#13F"s out there.

Adam's server is pretty cool though, at least from what I've seen.

He makes sure all bans are reasonable, and one of his admin rules are no perma bans. He said he'd perma ban if it's nessecary, but I haven't seen one yet.

It can get pretty lolzy there too.  :cookieMonster:

 :cookie: for everyone who hosts a good server.

Permabanned from that "Be an ninja" server, reason = You cuss!

I only said cigarette.
Banning for language is only saying "I'm too much of a lazy cigarette to use the word filter."

Permabanned from that "Be an ninja" server, reason = You cuss!

I only said cigarette.
Banning for language is only saying "I'm too much of a lazy cigarette to use the word filter."


Some servers are complete BS
Some Most servers are complete BS