Author Topic: the weed bill didnt pass  (Read 10682 times)

didn't we realize last time sheep tried to talk about drugs that he's a complete handicap?

didn't we realize last time sheep tried to talk about drugs that he's a complete handicap?
the problem with complete handicaps is that they don't know they're complete handicaps.
that link just redirects to for me okay the page just wouldnt load nevermind

Wow it's almost as if consumption of alcohol at an early age causes developmental problems too!

Oh wow, it's almost as if though you aren't allowed to legally purchase it until you're 21 (in the states)!

Oh wow, it's almost like the proposed bill also included an age restriction like a reasonable intoxicating substance!

Edit: Plus:
correlation does not mean causation

correlation does not mean causation

first, generally less intelligent people are more likely to use drugs (for serious ones, because they're not so dumb as to warrant the side effects; for stuff like marijuana, maybe they're just fine relieving stress on their own)

second, yeah of course people who smoke at a young age are going to have issues but as Swholli said there's an age restriction
alcohol doesn't permanently lower IQ in adults if dranken at normal levels, but if it's a 7-year-old of course it will

didn't we realize last time sheep tried to talk about drugs that he's a complete handicap?

Literally every single argument he's gotten into was about a topic he had no idea about save for the quick glance he gave the first article from googling it.

Here's a direct link to the study without any of the bullstuff

While it could be signs of a problematic link between persistent recreational cannabis abuse by adolescents, it's definitely not conclusive enough to say that marijuana directly damages your intelligence as staunchly as you stated.

The best way to keep minors from smoking marijuana would be instead of condemning the drug, would be to educate them in the actual legitimate dangers and teach them real responsibilities. It's been proven that if you demonize the drug, it's going to make them want to try it that much more.
« Last Edit: November 04, 2015, 08:43:56 PM by IkeTheGeneric »

the problem with complete handicaps is that they don't know they're complete handicaps.
that link just redirects to for me okay the page just wouldnt load nevermind
im not gonna bother with this article because it gave a citation and that's the only thing about it that really matters.

I'll say this much - this study is focused on affect on youth, and how it affects people later on. For the record, I don't think kids should smoke. It should be treated like alcohol, which should it be legalized, it would be. Think of it this way, if it would still be just as illegal for minors to smoke if it were legalized and the study only says why it should be, so the point your trying to make isn't supported by the article. Try again.

The best way to keep minors from smoking marijuana would be instead of condemning the drug, would be to educate them in the actual legitimate dangers and teach them real responsibilities. It's been proven that if you demonize the drug, it's going to make them want to try it that much more.
also this; remember how well the prohibition went? that didn't backfire at all...

also this; remember how well the prohibition went? that didn't backfire at all...
Moonshine everywhere. They tried to prohibit weed so what did we get? Weed farms.

Also missed this gem:

If Marijuana is legalized that means that the government can both regulate it and tax it

Do you guys really want this?

Considering it would be a straight up (I'm estimating) ~$52 million tax dollars within the first week of federal decriminalizing and regulating marijuana, I'd say it would definitely be a bonus.

an argument that's on topic

Moonshine everywhere. They tried to prohibit weed so what did we get? Weed farms.
This is exactly my point though.
If cigs were banned, kids would not be able to obtain them easily but still would. If the weed ban was lifted, weed would be so much more common with minors.
Idc if you're like 80 and you want a hit though.

Ike's point wouldn't help as much as you'd think.

This is exactly my point though.
If cigs were banned, kids would not be able to obtain them easily but still would. If the weed ban was lifted, weed would be so much more common with minors.
Idc if you're like 80 and you want a hit though.
alcohol is banned if you are under 21
tons of people in my school drink alcohol but it is still legal
if weed was legalized they would probably have to be 21 to smoke it
and cigs I know for a fact are banned if you are under 18
so uh what is your point