Author Topic: the weed bill didnt pass  (Read 10683 times)

Not even close.
My headache will literally completely go away within minutes after smoking. When I take ibuprofin, it will take like 45 minutes to kick in and I'll be lucky if it recuces the pain to bearable.

This so much. With marijuana my back goes from hurting an unbearable crippling amount to absolutely none. Even when the high is gone the painkiller and anti-inflammatory is still doing its job.

Painkillers on the other hand take too long and barely dull the pain

fun fact: as long as there isn't for some reason, gross stuff laced in your weed you shouldn't have any problems. it would literally strengthen your lungs because of all the deep inhaling you would be doing.
That is the single dumbest thing I have ever heard you say.

Any inhalant can and will get stuck in your lungs preventing oxygen from getting into the bloodstream.

fun fact: as long as there isn't for some reason, gross stuff laced in your weed you shouldn't have any problems. it would literally strengthen your lungs because of all the deep inhaling you would be doing.
yeah no

it's still smoke, just it's no where near as bad as the tobacco/or whatever tf is in those cigarettes sold in convenience stores

fun fact: as long as there isn't for some reason, gross stuff laced in your weed you shouldn't have any problems. it would literally strengthen your lungs because of all the deep inhaling you would be doing.

As a weed smoker, this is untrue. Inhaling anything but air is bad. The thing is, though, is that you could go downtown and inhale more carcinogens than a hit off a bong. But the amount of weed you'd probably have to smoke to cause ample harm to your body would probably have to be more than a pound a day or some stuff.

As a weed smoker, this is untrue. Inhaling anything but air is bad. The thing is, though, is that you could go downtown and inhale more carcinogens than a hit off a bong. But the amount of weed you'd probably have to smoke to cause ample harm to your body would probably have to be more than a pound a day or some stuff.
A lethal dose of marijuana is your own body weight of marijuana smoked in an hour. Or something along those lines.
Pretty sure if you do that you'll just die of smoke inhalation way before THC

A lethal dose of marijuana is your own body weight of marijuana smoked in an hour. Or something along those lines.
Pretty sure if you do that you'll just die of smoke inhalation way before THC

Its not the THC or CBD's or ABC's that I'm talking about, its the burned plant matter you're inhaling. Its not O2, your lungs weren't meant to inhale and process it. That's why new smokers/inexperienced smokers cough, because your body is trying to expel what it thinks is harmful.

Its not the THC or CBD's or ABC's that I'm talking about, its the burned plant matter you're inhaling. Its not O2, your lungs weren't meant to inhale and process it. That's why new smokers/inexperienced smokers cough, because your body is trying to expel what it thinks is harmful.
I know, I went a little off there. You're definitely correct though.

Here are some interesting reads about marijuana's effects on the lungs.

Some of these are obviously sketchy websites, but they all cite their information from the same studies.

Basically, a large scale study involving thousands of marijuana smokers over a span of 20 years concluded that the equivalent of one joint(around .5-1 gram of weed) per day has little to no adverse effects on lung capacity or lung function.

do they have any tar like cigarettes do? I'd assume not because they're different plants and apparently don't kill your lungs

do they have any tar like cigarettes do? I'd assume not because they're different plants and apparently don't kill your lungs
a friend told me they have tar and stuff yeah

a friend told me they have tar and stuff yeah
doesn't the tar come from the rolling paper? in that case you can just bowl it but i don't know enough about MJ to justify this

do they have any tar like cigarettes do? I'd assume not because they're different plants and apparently don't kill your lungs
I've read about this before.

According to the American Lung Association, smoking marijuana deposits four times more tar into the lungs than if you smoked the same amount of tobacco. This is very misleading information though because you have to take into consideration that people smoke significantly less marijuana than they do tobacco. You'd have to smoke ridiculous amounts of it daily to make that study relevant at all.

I've read about this before.

According to the American Lung Association, smoking marijuana deposits four times more tar into the lungs than if you smoked the same amount of tobacco. 
so much bullstuff lol

wasnt the idea about it being worse for your lungs because people generally don't smoke through a filter and so more plant matter/ash gets deposited in your lungs?