Author Topic: BADSPOT  (Read 2532 times)

Ag why do newbs have to act as if they are the first people to meet Badspot? Everyone with an id below 600 has hung out with Badspot. Back when there were no noobs yet.

Ag why do newbs have to act as if they are the first people to meet Badspot? Everyone with an id below 600 has hung out with Badspot. Back when there were no noobs yet.
you always ruin everyones fun go crawl in a hole and die please

Ag why do newbs have to act as if they are the first people to meet Badspot? Everyone with an id below 600 has hung out with Badspot. Back when there were no noobs yet.
It may be their first time so gtfo.

Badspot was talking, and having fun with us, we werent harassing him, if you can see, he was hugging and high fiving, harassing would be going onto his server and like varoing roing roing all up in his grill.

And umm, my id was the lowest there, im 1000 so i have hung with him before, dont worry, hes a straight guy, dont worry we aint being noobs, just having fun, and i dont doubt he plays V8.

Badspot huggd us! :D

Poor Badspot, can't go to public servers without getting harassed.
You have no idea. "RELESE SPELLZ PLS MI SERVUR NEEDS TEM" :cookieMonster:

ive seen him twice, first time he never noticed me and i didnt really know who he was(i think), second time was when he reopened his blockparty(i was the first one there, i didnt believe it was him at first)
thats also where i
-insulted bacon to a degree, which resulted in being banned from rky's server
-built my signature cafe(yes i said signature)
-was annoyed the S*** by bacon pandaing around
- started small city build behind the house after the reset of the first day of it
-made a spam house for a short period of time

Ag why do newbs have to act as if they are the first people to meet Badspot? Everyone with an id below 600 has hung out with Badspot. Back when there were no noobs yet.
I'm 10 under 600, Badspot never hugged me :(

Why does he look like a pirate now? He used to be a space man, then he was mario, now a pirate? :P

it was funny when he was orange and blue.