Author Topic: Shooting threat on my school  (Read 4023 times)

the news broadcast is really stuffty (that student interview towards the end was seriously the best they got?) but still im concerned because what i saw written on the wall was "SCHOOL SHOOTING 11/5/15"

that's tomorrow

so yeah im staying home the rest of week you can call me a pusillanimous individual but i'd rather not take any chances

my dad already spoke to the front office and said i wont be attending for the rest of the week so i wont need to

so yeah im staying home the rest of week you can call me a pusillanimous individual but i'd rather not take any chances

what sort of reet would call you a pusillanimous individual for this?

stay safe

honestly just tell your parents you're concerned for your safety, they'll understand and probably feel better about you staying home.
my dad already spoke to the front office and said i wont be attending for the rest of the week so i wont need to
good decision.

my dad already spoke to the front office and said i wont be attending for the rest of the week so i wont need to
Wise choice, kudos to Mr. Khaz's dad.
Stay safe.

The people who say they're going to shoot up a school are moronic, or just do it to make a big portion of the community lose their stuff.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again.

If you're going to harm some one, you wouldn't tell them that.
That'd be like Jason coming out of the lake and saying: "Yeah, in a few weeks I'm going to kill all of you"

why would anybody call you a pusillanimous individual lol
i mean, come on, fake threat or not, i'd be concerned for my safety

it just pisses me off because now not only do i have to worry about school work and other stuff, but my god damn life could be on the line

a school shooting could happen at any time and that's what worries me

bet it was a student evading a test lol

The people who say they're going to shoot up a school are moronic, or just do it to make a big portion of the community lose their stuff.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again.

If you're going to harm some one, you wouldn't tell them that.
That'd be like Jason coming out of the lake and saying: "Yeah, in a few weeks I'm going to kill all of you"

anyone going to shoot up a school obviously isnt in a clear state of mind to begin with, that's why threats are taken so seriously.

If you're going to harm some one, you wouldn't tell them that.
you might have a point if it wasn't for the fact that people have literally done just that before

I'd go to school anyway