Author Topic: [DATA] political issues and your stances on them - BORDER SECURITY, IMMIGRANTS  (Read 10510 times)

Not sure where people get the idea that sending everyone to college is the solution. It would cause more problems than it solves in my opinion.

Not sure where people get the idea that sending everyone to college is the solution. It would cause more problems than it solves in my opinion.
People who don't want to go to college (or don't think that they can go) still don't have to go to college when we've socialized education. The idea is that you're removing the financial barrier from people who want to go to college but can't because they can't afford it.

the financial barrier from people who want to go to college but can't because they can't afford it.
This is the main thing I'm referring to in my posts

People who don't want to go to college (or don't think that they can go) still don't have to go to college when we've socialized education. The idea is that you're removing the financial barrier from people who want to go to college but can't because they can't afford it.
Besides affordability. I don't think there are that many higher level jobs, let alone enough to be profitable.

results for our economic issue set are as follows (I suppose I'll run this one another time):

MINIMUM WAGE: (8 opinions total)
(3) 37.5% support raising the minimum wage
(4) 50.0% do not support raising the minimum wage
(1) 12.5% are on the fence

UNIONS: (6 opinions total)
(1) 16.7% support labor/trade unions
(1) 16.7% do not support labor/trade unions
(4) 66.7% are on the fence

FARM SUBSIDIES: (6 opinions total)
(3) 50.0% support farm subsides
(1) 16.7% do not support farm subsidies
(2) 33.3% are on the fence


Today we'll be handling immigration issues--that is to say, issues relating to immigrant emigration, xenophobia, and constitutionality.


The border between Mexico and the United States is nearly two-thousand miles in length (over three-thousand kilometers). Of this border is the American-owned, operated, and supervised half--the only half to it, actually. Mexico does not maintain a border with the United States. The refugee crCIA in Europe is bringing up new issues across the pond as well in places like Germany, Hungary, and the United Kingdom as to how secure their borders should be to prevent immigrants from entering, whether it be legally or illegally. As per usual, there are two positions:

- prevents immigrants from entering illegally
- prevents immigrants from smuggling paraphernalia like drugs in
- reduces the number of new immigrants occupying jobs
- gives displaced Mexicans nowhere else to turn, thus catalyzing reform in Mexico

- costs an exorbitant amount of money to construct, maintain, and monitor
- if immigrants still get past after consolidating the border, it invalidates the entire project
- immigrants will just find new modes into the country
- we should help Mexico with their problem instead of blocking it out

My questions to you, OT, are these: Where do you stand on border security? Do you think the government should make it stronger, weaker, or leave it the same? What kind of border security measures do you think are appropriate to employ?


The Fourteenth Amendment of the United States Constitution reads as follows: "All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside." This clause has led to a phenomenon known as anchor babies, in which illegal immigrants have a child in the United States, thus making them a citizen, and guaranteeing its parents amnesty so they can care for said child. The recent influx of Mexican immigrants has sparked debates on whether this amendment should remain as-is, or if it should be revised so that only children of legal citizens receive citizenship.

- decreases illegal immigration numbers (people are less inclined to travel in family units)
- increases the population of the affected nation
- does not require another amendment
- reduces stress on government-subsidized functionaries like healthcare

- allows anchor baby-ship
- making a distinction of parent citizenship would open up a new can of worms
- preserves the cultural identity of the affected nation
- removes incentive to cross borders if citizenship can't be option through a loophole

My questions to you, OT, are these: Where do you stand on birthright citizenship? Do you think that children of illegal immigrants should be given citizenship, or not? Do you think children should receive birthright citizenship only if their parents are citizens?


Cultural assimilation is when an immigrant adopts the customs and language of their new residence. The United States does not have a national language, although English is understandably the benchmark. The influx of Spanish-speakers has diluted many previously English-dominated environments, leading to a large language barrier between employers and their employees, or other scenarios.

- improves communication between all involved
- reduces the chances of grief or incident from differing cultures/religions
- creates stronger sense of fraternity
- preserves the cultural independence of the affected nation

- increases violence due to lack of tolerance for foreign cultures/religions
- sacrifices the uniqueness of a foreign culture
- increases xenophobia
- makes populace more narrow-minded; it only supports cultural homogeny instead cultural heterogeny

My questions to you, OT, are these: Where do you stand on cultural assimilation? Do you think immigrants should culturally assimilate to the nation they're entering, or not? Do you think people of different cultures should totally abandon the nuances of their old culture (Mexicans don't eat Mexican food or celebrate Day of the Dead, for example)?

Where do you stand on cultural assimilation? Do you think immigrants should culturally assimilate to the nation they're entering, or not? Do you think people of different cultures should totally abandon the nuances of their old culture (Mexicans don't eat Mexican food or celebrate Day of the Dead, for example)?

I think Cultural Assimilation should only happen to parts of your culture that directly conflict with the law of the country, like (This is an extreme example) if part of your culture is to sacrifice a virgin every night so the sun rises the next day, that shouldn't be allowed if the country has laws against murder. (In case you think that would never happen, there are cases in Sweden where the government has turned a blind eye to Immigrants killing and raping the populace under the excuse that they come from a different culture where it's allowed).

Honestly, I don't know what to do about the border.

Pro-anchor baby

Anti-government-enforced assimilation. Obviously anything against the law should stay how it is, but we're a melting pot of diversity and everyone has the right to practice the customs they grew up with.

pro government assimilation to get dem cores

Border Security: Stronger Border is needed. A lot of problems in Mexico, and central/south America however those are for another time.

I will say this though, the trip getting into this country is a long and dangerous one. Immigration process needs to be reformed. Some kind of basic English and math test that elementary school kids can pass. Foot traffic entrances should be introduced to allow migrants in. From there they can be housed at a camp for a few days where they can they can go through the green card process. From there they can be shipped out to some location in one of fifty states where they can go through the citizenship process.

The intentions for this are mainly humanitarian since people who want to get into this country will do anything. Those that try crossing the desert end up dieing of heat stroke or dehydration. Often they will get mugged by bandits on the way who pose as friendly guides and leave them for death. Sure the bandits will learn about these check points and operate along there, however I'm sure with some negotiations we can work some sort of security deal with Mexico.

Birth right citizenship: The amendment does need some changes. I mean if you had a pregnant couple from Germany who just tourist sight seeing and they happened to have their kid early on American soil, the kid wouldn't really be consider a citizen since he or she is going back to Germany.

I can't say I support the process of having a child for the sake of staying in this country. Especially if you aren't cut out to be a parent. Conditions might not be good at home, but that kid is a person too and not some anchor. See above for alternative.

Cultural Assimilation: Well as a white colored dude who grandmother was a native from a reservation in Oklahoma there is nothing wrong with keeping intact with your culture.

However you should be expected to know the dominant/official or commonly language of the country you live in. Also not all aspects of your culture should be guaranteed to be respected or be legal to preform(incest, stoning, animal sacrifice, etc). Also don't force your customs onto the host nation(shariah law demanders), just keep your stuff to yourself behind closed doors.
« Last Edit: November 09, 2015, 10:14:57 PM by Harm94 »

Where do you stand on border security? Do you think the government should make it stronger, weaker, or leave it the same? What kind of border security measures do you think are appropriate to employ?

If you want to keep things out, you need to have border security. Unfortunately with more and more people having to decide to do stupid stuff by crossing our borders, we need to have better security. Focus on more terrorism and drug trafficking, illegal immigration is important to enforce, but not as much as a threat as the previous two.

Where do you stand on birthright citizenship? Do you think that children of illegal immigrants should be given citizenship, or not? Do you think children should receive birthright citizenship only if their parents are citizens?

I am completely serious when I say that anyone who doesn't get their citizenship here and gives their children citizenship because they were "naturalized" in the country, do not deserve to be citizens. Fair and simple.

Where do you stand on cultural assimilation? Do you think immigrants should culturally assimilate to the nation they're entering, or not? Do you think people of different cultures should totally abandon the nuances of their old culture (Mexicans don't eat Mexican food or celebrate Day of the Dead, for example)?

America is the melting pot of cultures, why they should be limited is beyond me. However if it affects the state in any way, it shouldn't be allowed.

Use this for border patrol

We go cheaper.

Have these patrol the border outsource them to mall cops run by some Annoying Orange security firm. Write it off as "counter-terrorism". The crazy republican slug would be pleased.

Border Control
Where do you stand on border security?
I don't have much of an opinion on the US's border security. I don't know how it affects the country, or the state of the security itself.

I think countries should, as a rule however, have a very good control of how people move into their borders.
I'm not particularly a fan of open-border policies.
But I suppose maybe that's from completely different perspectives than other countries. After all, most countries aren't islands like the UK, and most countries aren't continent sized, like the US, or have more than two terrestrial borders.

Birthright Citizenship
Where do you stand on birthright citizenship?
It's not been a big issue so much here in the UK, to my knowledge.
It's a peculier system, certainly. I think that it should happen, but not that it should be used.

A child born to a family living in a country should by rights belong to that country as a citizen. But it's not acceptable to give birth in a country, to gain citizenship for your child there, so you can live with them.
In the same way that it's wrong to marry someone to gain citizenship.

Do you think that children of illegal immigrants should be given citizenship, or not?
I'm not sure that the children of illegal immigrants should be granted citizenship.

Do you think children should receive birthright citizenship only if their parents are citizens?
I think this is a better idea. I don't have an issue with someone having citizenship if their parents are citizens, even if they're not native-born.
The issue about this however, and the concept of not giving citizenship to the children of illegal immigrants, is that it raises the question of what country do they have citizenship in?
As far as I am aware the nation of their parents doesn't have to grant them citizenship if they're not living or born in that country.

And you can't leave a person without citizenship of a country. So, it's tricky.

On the whole I guess you have to leave me at Undecided. I like the concept, but it does have flaws, but I don't know how I would have them fixed, nor how I could change the system to be better.

Cultural Assimilation
Where do you stand on cultural assimilation?
I believe that an immigrant NEEDS to try to assimilate to the nation they are emigrating to. A necessity of that is speaking the language of that nation. There is no way you can interact with others of that community, or officials, without learning that countries language.
Observance of national celebrations is not a necessity. I don't think you should have to celebrate Bonfire Night, or Fourth of July.
I do believe that you MUST respect the laws and customs of your new nation however. In regards to customs, that doesn't mean you have to join in, but it is not your right to complain about them. For example, the general acceptance of homoloveuality and gay marriage in many western nations, is not something likely to be favoured by immigrants from religious and conservative countries, like Pakistan/Egypt/Iran. It is not okay for immigrants with those views to have outcry against homoloveuals or gay marriage. Their new nation has already decided to accept it.

Do you think people of different cultures should totally abandon the nuances of their old culture (Mexicans don't eat Mexican food or celebrate Day of the Dead, for example)?

I don't believe they should have to throw off all of their old culture and traditions.
But I do believe they should attempt to integrate with the culture and traditions of their new home.

I believe the burden to do that is on the immigrant, not the native.

looks like Annoying Orange's finally developed a platform on issues beyond immigration