What is 'Blank Room Soup'?

Author Topic: What is 'Blank Room Soup'?  (Read 8452 times)

I'm uh................ too much of a pusillanimous individual to watch it.

Can someone explain what it is about and er.. if you can the origins of it?

it's soup in a blank room

a man eats noodles in a room after his wife dies
his best friend and brother come in to help him as he bursts into tears

its a rather sad story

saw a video about it and i'll summarize.

Performer uses these costumes, noticed after a performance that several costumes were missing from his trailer. This video was emailed to him.

Sponge from vinesauce eating soup...

Wait thats not it.

i just watched it and nothing happened

it was kinda weird, but nothing outstanding happened

idk some creepy thing with teletubis

stop speaking greek no one here is gonna understand you except for me and like maybe 2 other people

stop speaking greek no one here is gonna understand you except for me and like maybe 2 other people
"Shut up."

"Shut up."

σε καταλαβαίνω
(did i do that right)

σε καταλαβαίνω
(did i do that right)
Ναι το έκανες.
"Yes you did."
seriously though we should stop