

Continue HIGH ROLLERS (Are you serious)
Finish abandoned old threads (maybe)
Move on to something new (probably not)

Author Topic: HIGH ROLLERS  (Read 12407 times)

Oh, Im gonna be an enemy at dis

am i seriously the only one who's still unharmed holy stuff

>>Tase HULKHOGAN and help him back up. hulkamania brothuuurr
« Last Edit: December 08, 2015, 10:35:27 AM by Cybertails1998 »

Still alive, but school is seriously kicking my ass and homework takes the rest of the day to finish. Next week is finals and then Christmas Break, but I'm not sure about continuing HIGH ROLLERS still

Zoltan: Rolled a 9. SUCCESS! You strangle the ghost of v21 guy, purging his ghost from existance.
Tablesalt: Rolled a 7. SLIGHT SUCCESS! You beat John McClass's body with a pipe, finishing him off.
Nicepoint: Rolled a 10. CRITICAL SUCCESS! Welp.
HULKHOGAN: Rolled a 6. SUCCESSFUL REVIVE! You get up with 4 HP.
Space1255: Rolled another 9. SUCCESS! Nukes rain from the sky and drop on the opposition.
Cybertails: Rolled another 6. SUCCESSFUL HEAL! You tase HULKHOGAN, healing him for 2 HP.

Mr. Tengu Rolls a 3. INCOMPETENT REVIVAL! John McClass is incompetently revived with 1 HP.
Landscaper Lieutenant rolls a 12. REALLY PUSHING IT! Landscaper Lieutenant fires Akimbo Revolvers loaded with explosive rounds at Cybertails, blowing off his left foot for 3 DMG.

Nicepoint - [████████]
Mr. Tengu - [██XXXXXX]
John McClass - [█]
Landscaper Lieutenant [████████████████]

TheEpicMan - █,█,█,█
Tablesalt - █
Cybertails - █,█,█,
Space1255 - █
Glass Joe - █,█,█,█,█
Kidalex90 - DEAD
Zoltan - DEAD
HULKHOGAN - █,█,█,█,█,█

Boss arriving in: 1 Post
+3 to Player/Enemy Rolls has expired now.

Code: [Select]
0: Spectacular Failure With Injury and Chance of Death
1-2: forgetup With Injury
3-4: Minor Failure
5: Mixed Result (Pretty much nothing)
6-7: Slight Success
8-9: Success
10: Critical Success
11: Gone Horribly Right (AMAZING SUCCESS w/ Chance of Injury)
12: Really Pushing It (SPECTACULAR SUCCESS w/ Injury and Chance of Death)
Assisting adds +2 to a Roll and sacrifices your turn. Action Rolls are done for pretty much everything but reviving another dead player.

I need more cold powers!
Eat a spearmint!

Summon my Cthulu worshippers and command them to kill John McClass.

I try to revive Cable as mecha Cable

possess jewbots dead body and come back to life in that

There's honestly no way I can continue HIGH ROLLERS or do anything else because of how hard school is kicking my ass, even on the weekends. Updates will continue to be extremely spaced out.

Also Landscaper Lieutenant was supposed to accidentally get caught in the blast radius and take damage, oops

Tablesalt: Rolled an 8. SUCCESS! You eat a spearmint.
TheEpicman: Rolled a 3. MINOR FAILURE! The Cthulu worshippers accidentally summon a teddy bear.
NicePoint: Rolled a 3. INCOMPETENT REVIVAL! Mecha-Cable comes to life with 1 HP.
Zoltan: Can't self revive!

The Gods of Railroading suddenly burst into the scene and drop a nuke, erasing everyone but Nicepoint and Mecha-Cable! Let's get this the forget over with already.
BOSS: Ivan Adventurer(Bandit Adventure) has arrived.
Landscaper Lieutenant Rolls a 1 and accidentally shoots himself in the foot for massive damage.
Mecha-Cable fires a Death Ion Cannon at HULKHOGAN only to miss. (Rolled a 3)

Nicepoint - [████████]
Landscaper Lieutenant [██████████XXXXXX]
Ivan Adventurer - [██████████████████████]
Mecha-Cable - [█]

TheEpicMan - █,█,█,█
Tablesalt - █
Cybertails - █,█,█,
Space1255 - █
Glass Joe - █,█,█,█,█
Kidalex90 - DEAD
Zoltan - DEAD
HULKHOGAN - █,█,█,█,█,█

Code: [Select]
0: Spectacular Failure With Injury and Chance of Death
1-2: forgetup With Injury
3-4: Minor Failure
5: Mixed Result (Pretty much nothing)
6-7: Slight Success
8-9: Success
10: Critical Success
11: Gone Horribly Right (AMAZING SUCCESS w/ Chance of Injury)
12: Really Pushing It (SPECTACULAR SUCCESS w/ Injury and Chance of Death)
Assisting adds +2 to a Roll and sacrifices your turn. Action Rolls are done for pretty much everything but reviving another dead player.

You know you don't have to update this. Take a break to get caught up with school.