Author Topic: razer promblem  (Read 1480 times)

i dont wana be that guy but this is what razer is like

whenever i plug it in it turns on for a bit and then turns off but i kept doing it and now it seems like it's fixed....
hooray for stubbornness
i dont wana be that guy
well you're being that guy

plug it into a different usb port

the problem is razer itself

the problem is razer itself
oh piss off this topic isn't about this
i just want to fix my keyboard in peace

the problem is razer itself
he's not wrong. razer products are infamous for not working, especially their headsets.

regardless of whether you dislike gayming product companies, i've never had an issue with any razer products. so speak for yourselves

oh piss off this topic isn't about this
i just want to fix my keyboard in peace
people against a company will do anything and seize every opportunity they can to bash it. it's how it always is. i.e. "hey guys my amd processor is running really hot" "lolol amd theres your problem" and "hey guys my razer periphs aren't working right" "lolol razer theres your problem"
« Last Edit: November 09, 2015, 06:48:35 PM by carolcat »

he's not wrong. razer products are infamous for not working, especially their headsets.

please go away

that is if you're not helping me fix the already fixed problem