Author Topic: What’s the scariest, ‘someone broke in your house’ story that has happened you?  (Read 2899 times)


I’ll get things started:

I was playing with myself in my room
I was watching Adult Swim at 10:30 a few weeks ago. My mom was in her room watching her reality TV shows.
And I was in the living room chilling out because it was a Friday. My dad gets home from work at 11:00 PM so I had another 30 - 40 minuets to go. I decide to go to the bathroom and after a few seconds, I see a flashlight coming from the window pointed at me. And at the time I’m thinking, “Holy stuff, there is someone in my backyard and now they know I am here.” My mom is still in the back, at the time i’m confused and not really scared. But then I realize they’re on the other side of the fence. I immediately think it is the people around the corner and I never did investigate. When I told my mom what just happened she was just calm about it. When I told my dad he was all chill about it and said they were probably just investigating a noise. - The end

like a week ago my house was broken into and they stole all our TVs and a few laptops and some jewelry

a day ago someone stole my house

my house stole someone
maybe we live in the same house :O :O :O

like a week ago my house was broken into and they stole all our TVs and a few laptops and some jewelry
Was one of the laptops yours?

If so, god help them.

Just gonna type this up real quick...

Dirty migrant workers working on house down the street. They find my mother attractive so they decide to pay us a "Visit". Knocking on door, I go to answer it... Mom says not to open the door, and to take everyone into her room. In parents room, brothers crying and im freaking out. Mom goes into the closet that we're not allowed in, has her gun. Runs into the living room and chambers a round. Apparently that was enough to get them to leave, mom even heard them say "Oh stuff she has a gun" In Spanish.

Edit: They were on all sides of the house trying to find a way in not just at the front door

So I guess they almost broke into my house... Though if they did it would be a whole lot worse than some missing electronics.
« Last Edit: November 09, 2015, 11:26:50 PM by Frontrox »

somebody stole my dad

also OP, that really isn't a story about someone breaking into your house, that's a story about some guy next door with a flashlight
« Last Edit: November 09, 2015, 11:40:22 PM by Freek »

well no one's broken into my house but a few weeks ago I stole someone's dad

well no one's broken into my house but a few weeks ago I broke into someone's house and stole their dad
thats pretty ironic my dad was just stolen a couple weeks ago

Mom's jewelry was stolen years ago.

thats pretty ironic my dad was just stolen a couple weeks ago

that sucks man I hope they're not keeping him chained in a shed in their backyard with duct tape over his mouth so he can't scream for help

i never had my house broken into

Donald Annoying Orange broke into my sweatshop and stole all the immigrants working there.

While my family and me were on my grandpartent´s house, someone broke the glass of our house and stole some CDs, our stereo and some jewerly