Author Topic: how do i emulate windows in linux  (Read 5569 times)

okay i give up
both 98 and 95 refuse to boot regardless of using floppy images or disk images
they wont list the drives
I don't see any issues here
Germany is not near the united states and it will take too long to download
i dont have 7z

Germany is not near the united states and it will take too long to download
i dont have 7z
uhh... so, install it?

they wont list the drives Germany is not near the united states and it will take too long to download
i dont have 7z
It still doesn't make them impossible to use.

okay i give up
both 98 and 95 refuse to boot regardless of using floppy images or disk images

i dont have 7z

its literally one package

apt-get install p7zip-full

dont be handicapped stufflord it literally took 6 seconds to download for me

would you like me to provide a download link?

i'll try khstar fish idea this weekend when i have more motivation

i'll try khstar fish idea this weekend when i have more motivation

thanks b great moves keep it up

thanks b great moves keep it up
i forgot to install the cd the internet

ayyy lmao i got xp to work

Classic linux user topic. Something dosnt work like how they need. So workarounds workarounds workarounds.

Cladduc linux user topic. Something dosnt work like how they need. So workarounds workarounds workarounds.
classic linux basher
something didnt work the way i wanted it to because i have no loving idea what im doing
it would work fine if i knew how to do it

Classic linux user topic. Something dosnt work like how they need. So workarounds workarounds workarounds.
I don't think a VM qualifies as a workaround

Classic linux user topic. Something dosnt work like how they need. So workarounds workarounds workarounds.
Actually this is kinda the opposite. He was trying to install Windows 95 and that needs
workarounds workarounds workarounds.

Uninstall Linux and install Windows

You are now using a superior OS

Are you ironically stuffposting now that you realize how much everyone dislikes your presence or are you actually this dumb? There's no such thing as a "superior" operating system, every OS suits the needs of individual people. You realize that computers aren't made specifically for gaming, right?

Plus let's say that somehow Windows classified as a superior operating system, there's still no reason to post garbage like this.