
ummmmm its in tytle

stick a small child in your ass in front of an entire kindergarten class
eat a small child in front of an entire kindergarten class
what the forget

Author Topic: eat a small child or stick them in your ass  (Read 54751 times)

This question doesn't really work considering no guy whatsoever would choose an 80 yr old man.
Uh, if the alternative is you have to rape a child, then I'm sure plenty would choose an old man.

What kind of cigarette wouldn't want that tight and fresh 8 year old ass?

What kind of cigarette wouldn't want that tight and fresh 8 year old ass?

what if the old man is loving the girl

what if the old man is loving the girl
reminds me of oni chi chi

umm forget you there's a lot of fish in the sea
at least 6

I am very concerned that 16 people would rather traumatize a little girl just to go to prison, to get raped by men, when they had the perfect opportunity to give it to a man instead.

I am very concerned that 16 people would rather traumatize a little girl just to go to prison, to get raped by men, when they had the perfect opportunity to give it to a man instead.
I'm sure they'd forget the 8 year old girl even if they didn't have to choose.

i would never screw an 8 year old but if i were at gun point then theres no way id do it with another dude

have you people ever seen an 8 year old before
they're loving nasty

have you people ever seen an 8 year old before
they're loving nasty

Where's the option to take a bullet to the face.

Where's the option to take a bullet to the face.
actually now that i think about it this sounds much better

Where's the option to take a bullet to the face.
actually now that i think about it this sounds much better
do you think this is a loving game sons

i would never screw an 8 year old but if i were at gun point then theres no way id do it with another dude
Come on, he's 80. You gotta give him some joy in his life before he dies.