Author Topic: Anyone know how to fully activate all the sound effects in Sound_NewEffects?  (Read 463 times)

I want to fully use the Sound_NewEffects mod as in it is contained sound effects to cover a wide variety of other things besides jets, lights, and walking, but yet these extra sound effects aren't actually working in the mod. Anyone know how to activate them?

"Munk" was the addon's developer, by the way. But he seems to have since left the forums (he was last online over a year ago).

Addon thread:
« Last Edit: November 13, 2015, 10:04:16 PM by Planr »

nobody is going to magically know how to fix this without a copy of the addon


Anything not already in the addon isn't coded. I've released a couple custom versions of the mod that do include stuff like the landing sounds, but otherwise that's it.

Anything not already in the addon isn't coded. I've released a couple custom versions of the mod that do include stuff like the landing sounds, but otherwise that's it.

This should go under help...

This should go under help...
No, suggestions and requests
« Last Edit: November 13, 2015, 11:09:44 PM by #Jeetlor »

No, suggestions and requests
thats for new ideas not problems

thats for new ideas not problems
But this is a request not a problem.
wait nvm
« Last Edit: November 13, 2015, 11:09:29 PM by #Jeetlor »