Author Topic: The Sacred Order of The Harvest.  (Read 390417 times)

so when this says sacred order of the harvest moon
are you talking about the video game or the september full moon


What does it even mean to be harvested?

What does it even mean to be harvested?
you either get harvested by a Harvest clan issued Combine Harvester
or you get put in a wood chipper

you either get harvested by a Harvest clan issued Combine Harvester
or you get put in a wood chipper

It also means you need to buy another key to get into their server.

It also means you need to buy another key to get into their server.

Log said don't post in our thread.

It also means you need to buy another key to get into their server.
Didnt your clan leader say anyone that posts here will be kicked out of QI

any qi member posting below this line will be banned from qi servers and forums

It also means you need to buy another key to get into their server.

C-Zech didn't go on arguing about anything though.

If log finds that okay, so be it. If not, so be it again.

I guess you could say I have BIG plans with my castle.

that statue is forgetin rad

that statue is forgetin rad
It's so hip it makes me want to forget bees

C-Zech didn't go on arguing about anything though.

If log finds that okay, so be it. If not, so be it again.
it didn't break the spirit of the rule so whatever im not gonna throw some guy outta my clan just cause he made one post like that's unreasonable and it's just a clan in a Lego game so don't needa worry about stuff like that cause you guy understand it

it's just a clan in a Lego game


Are you having a midlife crCIA?


Are you having a midlife crCIA?

We all have a midlife crCIA of some kind, honeybun.