Author Topic: What do you want your voice to sound like?  (Read 2360 times)

Something that sounds like an average male after puberty. I feel stupid at 19 to have this odd nasally voice that still occasionally cracks and squeaks.

I want my voice to sound like that of Troupe Gammage.

At least I want greater vocal range.

John Patrick Lowrie as the male citizens of Half Life 2
Morgan Freeman
Kevan Brighting

one of these three

calm and collected
i feel like i'm too loud sometimes and i don't want to be noticed that much

currently aged british male

less like a forgetin' douchebag

I wouldn't change it.

your voice is like a choir of angels condensed into one person's voice

Jihadi John

Or Taylor Swift, either one is good

i can already do a pretty forgetin spot on impression