
Ive put up our closing sign, Should we close this down forever?

No dont, its fun

Author Topic: Avatar Forum games is now permantly Closed.  (Read 21835 times)

you aren't admin, so you can't use it. lol
that's badspot doing it idiot

that's badspot doing it idiot
he isn't admin in racoon's server though

This stuffty thread has become Cypthon powergaming

he isn't admin in racoon's server though
The power of love and love prevented our house from burning.
Then eletrck gets banned by Badspot XDDDDDD

banned from da BL forums!

are you like that because of a past mistake?

This thread is dead. later on im gonna make another one.


Fine, But guys please play the games i give you. also bump this very often.

why did i just make the 933683683586836th bump? Im bumping this so you can play it, not let it die!