Author Topic: How good at tests are you blf?  (Read 2134 times)

Not good at all.
I don't even know how I graduated tbh.

im suuuuper forgetin good at test taking

one time in calc 2 we had a 3 question test, and i only fully answered one of the 3 and i still got an a

and i got a 3 on the ap lit exam and i hadnt read a book all year

I am very good at recalling facts from class to do tests, but when I am called on in class to answer a question I might not always have the answer.

College seems to be yielding C+'s and B's for me

I almost never study and still get A's, you don't need to study if you just pay attention in class. Half the time I fill out the note packets, file them away and never see them again because I just remember it all

I almost never study and still get A's, you don't need to study if you just pay attention in class. Half the time I fill out the note packets, file them away and never see them again because I just remember it all
I mean half my teachers don't even teach so gg

posting this is so weird considering I made this thread :/

Mostly A's and B's, rarely C or before.