Author Topic: for those who don't have steve's blockland blocker  (Read 5729 times)

Edgelord posted a gif a man with two richards and a whole in his ball sack while riding on a carrot.

Edgelord posted a gif a man with two richards and a whole in his ball sack while riding on a carrot.
How long did you look at the gif for lol?

yes i can clearly tell you are being sarcastic/joking through text
it is the easiest way to communicate in an efficient manner

You'd probably get a lot less stuff from people if you didn't have this complex that everyone is out to get you. You just keep feeding into it though.

Wait was there really a hole
I didn't notice

Are you even capable of having simple social interactions without going completely apestuff?
if you think that im being hostile in any way and that im going apestuff through text then you're pretty wrong my friend
You'd probably get a lot less stuff from people if you didn't have this complex that everyone is out to get you. You just keep feeding into it though.
people give me stuff and when i respond to them i dont show any purpose/effort

How long did you look at the gif for lol?

I had to wait a few minutes for the gif to fully load. I waited for it to finish because I wanted to see wtf was going on.

Wait was there really a hole
I didn't notice

Methink's it was the guys urethra

would locking this topic be a good idea because maxx has once again proved he's handicapped

if stufflord didn't give the password to someone (which I don't believe), someone could've guessed the password

I changed it to something pretty obvious, as stufflord could probably concur

Wait was there really a hole
I didn't notice
it was absolutely disgusting

Wait was there really a hole
I didn't notice
you didn't look close enough my friend.

Edgelord posted a gif a man with two richards and a whole in his ball sack while riding on a carrot.
Thank you ffs. Practically 2 pages flew by before I got an answer.

you didn't look close enough my friend.

The richard was cut in half, there was a hole in his ball sack and he had a carrot that made me a little terrified the first time I saw it. Because his richard was in half I have a strong feeling it was his urethra. Notsurethoughlolexdee

if stufflord didn't give the password to someone (which I don't believe), someone could've guessed the password

I changed it to something pretty obvious, as stufflord could probably concur