
Would you be able to run Blockland if shaders forced minimum?

79 (87.8%)
11 (12.2%)

Total Members Voted: 90

Author Topic: How do we force darkness on people without shaders?  (Read 31519 times)

Can we get back on topic before shift kitty started talking about how lower end computers needing to be accommodated

Wow, he actually replaced every 'you' with 'joe' before he'd allow himself to read it. That's... awkward.

Nice to see your friend takes his video game hobby much more seriously than finding a way into a better home. I think he's holding something much more valuable back than the development Badspot isn't going to do regardless.

Well he's currently studying a degree in architecture so I guess that's more contributive than bitching on the internet, friend.

Well. It is a 10 year old game. Do you also expect Half-Life to suddenly remove support for lower graphics settings just because of the 'current industry standard'?

Does Half-Life still get game-changing updates? Blockland received shaders in 2013, it's last update was this month, so yes, I would expect the graphics to start improving. Just like they did, 2 years ago, in 2013 (the year Grand Theft Auto V was released) when we received shaders.

Half-Life 2 was harder to run than Half-Life. Half-Life 3 probably wont run on stuffty computers that can't handle Blockland on minimum. I actually don't know if Half-Life 2 can either. See, games progress, and they leave people with stuff computers behind. Blockland might not release updates episodically, but it's definitely not the same game it was in 2007. If Blockland 2 or a good update comes out and suddenly you (using you as an example its ok!!!) cannot run Blockland anymore, I'm sure the TBM community will welcome your complains about "how the old blockland was better" with open arms.

I don't blame Joe for prioritizing in more important things in his life while still believing he should be able to enjoy some quality casual video game entertainment. Unfortunately, I'm not exactly sure who Joe is nor whether or not he's a fan of Minecraft at all. Minecraft is also a poor example to include in anything ever because the game was so inefficient that the community had to make a mod to make the game actually playable with a respectable view distance. Not exactly. I see plenty of new games that Joe's computer likely cannot handle. Which is why he doesn't buy them. He instead, several years ago, bought a game his computer could handle.

If Joe thinks he should still be able to enjoy casual video game entertainment then maybe he should've invested in something more powerful than a HP t5725. Because if Joe can't run Blockland on minimum (or minecraft, lmfao) then he should probably stick to Quake and Tomb Raider II.

Luckily for Joe, you can still use your authentication key on old versions of Blockland, so there's no point in complaining about other people going forward and not stagnating in the same place when he can use old versions of Blockland to suit his needs. Joe sees an update he can't run? Maybe Joe doesn't download it instead of bitching about it like a selfish prick, because in reality it's his own fault.

Space Engineers just released a major update that adds planets to the game, and a lot of the playerbase can't actually run the game because they're very difficult to run. When this happens, maybe the developers will gain a better perspective of the playerbase and, as a result, can discover more efficient optimization techniques, or maybe those players will just simply have to upgrade their computers. However, now the game has planets, whereas before it didn't. The game has progressed, and it is a good thing. Using your logic, Space Engineers should not have released an update containing planets, because that would be mean and unfair to people who don't own gaming computers.

Are you comparing professional skateboarders to kids playing a video game? People who make money and fame through sponsorship and competition, to someone killing some time after coming home from school/some stuff part time job.Same as above.

Notice a word you're using here. Professional. Are you a professional gamer? Do you play video games for a living? Do video games pay your bills? Do you know the difference between a professional and someone who's just looking for some entertainment in their downtime?

Do you think someone becomes a professional because they own professional equipment? Wtf? If you go do a boardslide on a walmart skateboard it's going to break and it's going to crack your nuts. And it's going to be your fault too, because everyone knows trying to skate on a walmart board is dangerous.

This is something that would happen to Joe, because he's the type of dumbass who thinks he should be able to casually enjoy video games that have been developed in years later than 1997 with his HP t5725.

And the industry is progressing, whether people like Joe complain or not. I'm not sure if you've noticed any games that have come out this year, or plan on coming out next year. A number of them certainly look much better and require a much better machine than good ol' 10 year old Blockland. I don't think Joe hinders Blockland either. It's definitely the developers and/or the engine.

Blockland 2 years ago looks much better than Blockland 10 years ago. Blockland, in it's current state, doesn't look like a game that was made in 2005, because it's been consistently updated since then. If you think it SHOULD look like a game that was released in 2005, go play v0002. I think it should look like a game that was released in 2015, because that would benefit everyone who wants to make content for the game in 2015.

Or the population simply drops. As poor ol' Joe had to buy some food after paying his ever so steadily increasing hydro bill. It's unfortunate for you that he didn't decide to put himself in a hole because he decided living is better than gaming. Now the industry is held back! I can just hear No Man's Sky developers right now, racing to arms to cut out as much detail as they can.
Or maybe Joe is spending his money on a better skateboard, or race car. Because he's a professional.

Then Joe should quit complaining about what his computer can't handle and return to shoveling coal for 5 cents an hour or putting money into a hobby he prioritizes over this one. Because Joe is an annoying friend, who thinks Blockland should stagnate in it's current state forever so he can reap the personal benefits of Blockland running on his craptop.

Pro-tip: No Man's Sky will be a greater success than Blockland on release because they don't give a stuff about Joe or his weird love for low-end computing. If you really think 'living' cannot easily co-exist with owning a computer that runs Blockland on minimum (it's not hard) then you are either a loving dumbass or an ex-convict who can't get a job. But with everything you've said in this thread, I'm just going to make the logical deduction that you are in-fact a dumbass, in which case I'll read this out to you: The money required to buy a powerful computer will not buy them into a better life nor will it buy them a life-time supply of food. It probably wont even pay the bills for a week. I don't think it's even possible to 'dig yourself into a hole' by purchasing a computer unless you buy a Mac.

Cut the bullstuff about 'people cannot afford a computer that can run Blockland on minimum' because I highly doubt someone who is in that predicament can actually afford an internet connection.

Can we get back on topic before shift kitty started talking about how lower end computers needing to be accommodated

back on track please

this actually is an issue i'm curious as to how to solve properly.

Can someone provide me with a DL for negative lights? Maybe I'm just looking in the wrong place but I can't seem to find a working link.

Can someone provide me with a DL for negative lights? Maybe I'm just looking in the wrong place but I can't seem to find a working link.
Here's a link from my dropbox: https://www.dropbox.com/s/7xpoebs37qdxj9r/Light_Negative.zip?dl=0

Here's a link from my dropbox: https://www.dropbox.com/s/7xpoebs37qdxj9r/Light_Negative.zip?dl=0

With my castle I need at least over 500 negative lights. It's bad enough I have at least 200+ torch lights.

Sadly, they don't seem to affect players

If they could affect players I could actually see this being very useful. The only problem is that it looks like the light has to come from all 4 angles, as well as from the top and from below, which is already 6 visible lights.

6 out of the 7 nearest lights you can render at one time. Ouch.
Although, you could set the player's nodes dark when they are in radius of negative lights.

Sadly, they don't seem to affect players

If they could affect players I could actually see this being very useful. The only problem is that it looks like the light has to come from all 4 angles, as well as from the top and from below, which is already 6 visible lights.

They use to effect players.

Does the castle have windows and stuff that you need to see out or is it basically two separate environments in the same server?

Does the castle have windows and stuff that you need to see out or is it basically two separate environments in the same server?

It has windows and stuff.  I wanted people to be able to hide in the shadows and stay away from windows. Which I can't do because of lower tier players.

Oh well. I don't think there's any solution then.

Unless you do a lot of raycast and make players "in shadow" invisible or something similar

Make a client-sided addon to check for the value of $Pref::ShaderQuality, and send it to the server. If it's at least 1, let them play. Otherwise, let them spectate along with those that do not have the client addon.

just some serverCmd/clientCmd functions is all that would take

I'm pretty on-board with this idea. It's kinda cheesy and invasive to an extent but if it works, it works.

I don't see how it works. The people who download your add-on might aswell edit it and then use off anyways.