How did you find out about blockland?

Author Topic: How did you find out about blockland?  (Read 2347 times)

BONUS: what was your first build
ANOTHER BONUS:what was the first thing you did?

how i found out: videos comparing blockland to gmod, as well as blockeye studios (that animation with the car, and of  course, the this is halloween animation in blender)

my first build: i forget but i remember one was in the demo version and it was the wireframe of a pyramid

first thing i did: i remember that the second server i ever went to was a freebuild and somebody showed me how to use events

ad on danball while playing powder game
First thing I built was a vehicle spawner to spawn a jeep in the kitchen in demo mode. I drove it off the counter which is the first thing I did.

post this in General Discussion
on topic: I found out about blockland by filipe i think.
bonus: i think it was a spammy house.
another bonus: joined a city building server, didn't play the tutorial first.

I can't even remember...

brother told me about it
first thing i did was go to kalphiter's city in v16 (as blockhead24378), spent about 5 minutes looking around, and left

saw it on a youtube ad. FIrst thing I did was the tutorial, I had a lot of fun with the FX paint part, and since mouse sterring wasnt a thing in V15, the driving part was super hard

looked up building games and this was one of the most interesting results

saw some youtube video about it. then i learned that i cannot build for the life of me

Looking for something similar to Minecraft

Think we can all agree on that "awesome Lego house" video from v0002

watched block wars: no hope
i owe swholli most of my life and skills today

looked up building games and this was one of the most interesting results

something similar to roblox