Author Topic: Post your teacher cliches here!  (Read 3352 times)

"You got a 100% score, i'm going to give you a 99% score because nothing's perfect"

"I believe that nothing is perfect and i am completely fine with giving you an inaccurate grade if it means i get to shove that belief down your throat."
"Nothing's perfect, even though your test score is perfect."

Someone did something bad, and the teacher doesn't know who it is.
The teacher gives the entire class detention instead of recess/break, hoping that whoever did it will confess, despite the fact that there is no personal gain to confessing and the confessor will recieve a worse punishment if they confess.

Usually, either nobody says anything and all but one of the class members receives punishment for something they didn't do, or a person who didn't do it gives a false confession so everyone else can go.

This happened several times when i used to go to school, and in none of them did the person who actually did it admit so.

More of a student cliche, but when teachers give students multiple warnings of not having phones in class, and a student clearly has their phone out, and it makes a loud noise, of course it'd be taken away, and yet these dense morons bitch about their phone being taken away for the rest of the day.

Hey guys if you disrupt the class ur gonna get consequences for it

-2 months later-
*everyone is yelling and cursing etc.*
Everything is fine

I don't have anything against cursing or whatever but at least enforce your own rules

Oh its friday and you have nothing due monday?
Letme give you a forgetton of homework and tests than!

Oh its friday and you have nothing due monday?
Letme give you a forgetton of homework and tests than!
It's then, did you not go to school or something?
Wait a minute...

forcing students to watch horrible parodies related to a subject or homemade raps also related to a subject, which also suck

"Sir/Miss, I need help"

3 minutes later

"Sir/Miss I need help and I'm still stuck on question 4"


"Sorry, could you explain that again please?"
*Teacher throws fake stuff at the wall at high speeds and nonchalantly continues explaining despite the fact that faux dookie is dripping down the wall*

My chemistry teacher from high school.  True story.

the bell doesn't dismiss you i do
"The bell rang, you're late"
Once me and a lot of people got in trouble for being 'late' to class. Not our fault the door was locked...

oh man teachers that expect everyone to be in class by the time the bell rings are the loving worst

why do you /think/ the bell is there? to let people know that the break is ending and that they should get back to class? nooooo, can't be.

oh man teachers that expect everyone to be in class by the time the bell rings are the loving worst
you mean every teacher

  • Teachers that don't accept late work, even if you are absent
  • Teachers that are particularly snotty and think they know everything
  • Teachers that don't help you on quizzes, like seriously its not a test give us some damn assistance

you mean every teacher

  • Teachers that don't accept late work, even if you are absent
This is so annoying. It's also annoying when they pester you for work you did turn in. I had a teacher who said I never turned in an assignment, I had to dig it out of my folder and show it to her. It was even graded.