New Duplicator 1.6.2 | Now on BL Glass

Author Topic: New Duplicator 1.6.2 | Now on BL Glass  (Read 194020 times)

Update your OP download link to the new duplicator version.

Update your OP download link to the new duplicator version.

It should always be the newest one. I just didn't add a changelog section yet.


On-topic: This is the tool Blockland needed, not the tool it deserved.

Maybe in the future. I have some ideas to make this much more awesome than old dups did it.
This'd be a lot better if it did have Dupsave, especially for MERP and stuff

Its beautiful... ;_;


I was probably like the coolest beta tester.

Why am I not on the beta tester list :(((((((((

So are events copied correctly now?

So are events copied correctly now?
were they ever broken?? ive never had a problem copying events