Author Topic: New Duplicator 1.6.2 | Now on BL Glass  (Read 198679 times)

Good luck with Zeblote making that unless he makes a good way for security

new model is pointless but whatever

Good luck with Zeblote making that unless he makes a good way for security

..or just keep it on the client? There's little to no security issue that could arise from this.

..or just keep it on the client? There's little to no security issue that could arise from this.
It's a lot of data to transfer a whole selection to a client. While most are small, theoretically these can be millions of variables in size.

There will be a way to save selections in the future, don't worry about it.

i thought of an idea

what about
a selection cube that replaces deletion cube
selection deletion cube
How about a deletion cube that deletes an exact cube in the bricks selected, and it can do that by deleting the bricks and replacing any gaps with smaller bricks.

I hope I explained it right, basically if you cut a chunk into a 1x1x16 brick it would split somewhere into to two bricks of different sizes.

How about a deletion cube that deletes an exact cube in the bricks selected, and it can do that by deleting the bricks and replacing any gaps with smaller bricks.

I hope I explained it right, basically if you cut a chunk into a 1x1x16 brick it would split somewhere into to two bricks of different sizes.
I don't know any algorithm that can split arbitrary cubes into a combination of different smaller ones, that is also fast enough to not freeze the server when implemented in torkscript.

If someone else figures this out it shouldn't be hard to add.

I don't know any algorithm that can split arbitrary cubes into a combination of different smaller ones, that is also fast enough to not freeze the server when implemented in torkscript.

If someone else figures this out it shouldn't be hard to add.
I remember the trench digging mod splits big bricks into smaller ones that fit in place, have you taken a look at that?

I remember the trench digging mod splits big bricks into smaller ones that fit in place, have you taken a look at that?
Trench only has to deal with cubes of 6 different sizes.

It becomes a lot more complex if you want it to perfectly split any kind of brick. Having it end up with grids of 1x1 plates wouldn't be too useful either.

Having it end up with grids of 1x1 plates wouldn't be too useful either.

You'd also have to account for floating bricks. No fun at all.

We need hackplant support

We need hackplant support

For what? What do you actually need this for?

floating bricks are used all the time because it massively saves brick count
also with the release of gsf's terrain generator approaching (it uses floating bricks for terrain) you should really add support for some form of floating bricks

tbh i don't really like the new model

tbh i don't really like the new model
That's a completely useless comment, you'll have to explain what you don't like about it