Author Topic: New Duplicator 1.6.2 | Now on BL Glass  (Read 198692 times)

also with the release of gsf's terrain generator approaching (it uses floating bricks for terrain)
If it properly sets the terrain bricks as baseplates then bricks on top of them are actually not floating, so there will be no issues.

Essentially you have 3 ways of planting floating bricks:

1) Force plant all bricks, do nothing else. This is what happens if you load a floating save file. Wand something, everything dies.

2) If a brick is detected to be floating, set it to be a baseplate. It'll now be supported by thin air, and bricks planted on it will be supported. That means you can hammer those, but not the first brick in a floating stack.

3) Set all bricks to be baseplates regardless of floating status. You can then hammer them individually because every brick supports itself, making the support system pointless.

All 3 ways suck.

I don't understand the hackplant thing everyone is complaining about. Can't you just build a floating baseplate, duplicate it onto said floating baseplate, and then delete-launcher the plate? This isn't something Zeblote needs to do for it to work.

I don't understand the hackplant thing everyone is complaining about. Can't you just build a floating baseplate, duplicate it onto said floating baseplate, and then delete-launcher the plate? This isn't something Zeblote needs to do for it to work.

This is not so helpful for certain SpeedKart/SuperKart maps...

It will need to support force planting bricks at some point so I can make a floating copy for preview images. I guess I might aswell add this now, seeing how simple it is.

So how do you expect to use it? Have a seperate /forcePlant command? I won't make it plant floating bricks by default.

It will need to support force planting bricks at some point so I can make a floating copy for preview images. I guess I might aswell add this now, seeing how simple it is.

So how do you expect to use it? Have a seperate /forcePlant command? I won't make it plant floating bricks by default.
I would of said if the player is an admin, force plant is on by default and if its a normal player its off by default and needs to be toggled if the option is available for normal players.

It'll always be off by default. It'll also be admin only by default (in RTB prefs).

The question is how do you activate it? And does it stay active until you select new bricks? Or only once?

new model is pointless but whatever
your post is pointless but whatever

It'll always be off by default. It'll also be admin only by default (in RTB prefs).

The question is how do you activate it? And does it stay active until you select new bricks? Or only once?
Once you activated it stays active even after planting bricks or selecting others until you turn it off.

Once you activated it stays active even after planting bricks or selecting others until you turn it off.
No. Then people will forget they're making floating bricks and accidently mess up everything.

That's a completely useless comment, you'll have to explain what you don't like about it
If I may articulate, it's much easier and more natural to look over and see the color of the model and look at the UI than have to focus on what the model is doing at the time.

Plus, the shape of the new duplicator, which is very different from the traditional wand-like tools, is out of place.  It's easier to notice the color of the wand and know exactly what it is rather than have to think whether or not it is a tool for building.

It's just out of place.  When the points and purposes of a duplicator (or any building tool) are speed, efficiency, ease of use, and flexibility, these superfluous models prove to be counterintuitive.

P.S. — Please don't pull the "your opinion is different from mine, and therefore invalid unless an brown townysis is written for your case" card.  It just makes you look like an ass.

No. Then people will forget they're making floating bricks and accidently mess up everything.
Then make it a pref.

How about we don't add it because it'll cause more problems than you'll think

No offense, but the new model kind of looks like a giant q-tip.

How about we don't add it because it'll cause more problems than you'll think

I've already added it, going with way 2 of my post above.

Bricks are planted in the order they are selected. The first brick in a floating stack is set to be supported.

That means, in this case, the baseplate is the root of this floating structure and normal support rules apply to the rest:

Can't hammer these because they support the roof:

Wand one of them, roof gone.

Can plant and undo other bricks on the floating structures just fine.

in my opinion I think the new model is perfect