Author Topic: Adult Swim said they were sorry they got me "fired."  (Read 5997 times)

he has been banned before
he is a habitual problem user
if he gets banned again he will come back
the only solution is ban on sight
i think that applies to lord tony as well
personally i think it would be better if they were both gone

I might show you guys how to start winning Adult Swim stuff. Did you also know there is a hidden website where you can buy limited items from them? I just bought the Black Jesus bobblehead.

i think that applies to lord tony as well
personally i think it would be better if they were both gone
meh atleast lord tony ontributes stuff, like builds

i think that applies to lord tony as well
personally i think it would be better if they were both gone

Tony hasnt misbehaved afaik.

Tony hasnt misbehaved afaik.
on this account? no
on his like 15 other accounts? yes he has

on this account? no
on his like 15 other accounts? yes he has
i haven't seen him mess up yet and he seems to be doing okay

jesus christ molten just stick him with your pony carrots already

you are truly obsessed with this man, wtf.

Didn't he start hating on him before even meeting him? I think think that he just heard all of the past pony hate from tony and decided "I want to forget this guy." and now won't stop following him through the forums.

Molten secretly has a crush on Tony

ITT: Molten continues to have his petty grudge on Lord Tony just because he doesn't like bronies

LemonGF: Lord Tony of Walmart even pops up in my conversations in UK
0nionbooty: yeah i didnt get my race wars prize either
0nionbooty: thanks alot bria
LemonGF: my life is boring, so I regale my friends with tales of Lord Tony of Walmart
Lord_Tony_Z: oh man
Lord_Tony_Z: glad to make a difference in your life

I'm not just famous, I'm INTERNATIONALLY famous!

oh ya well i told max to spit in daves mouth and he totally did it

oh ya well i told max to spit in daves mouth and he totally did it

I was there for that.

I'm not just famous, I'm INTERNATIONALLY famous!

an trueu hero