New Years 2016 - 145 Players. 0 Crashes.


v a p o r w a v e + WI†CH H0US3 hour OR... NIGHTCORE ^_^ hour?

v a p o r w a v e + WI†CH H0US3
96 (59.3%)
66 (40.7%)

Total Members Voted: 161

Author Topic: New Years 2016 - 145 Players. 0 Crashes.  (Read 70701 times)

glad most of u had fun we worked rlly hard this year

glad most of u had fun we worked rlly hard this year
It was great to be in the server this year, as I never have been before, the experience was weird with all because of the events and ear rape crap, I had my volume at 1 at some point...

it's really neat seeing so many people all in one server...shame things like this don't really happen any more than once a year

why is it that people are yelling at nal for the new years celebration

it was fun, i dont know why people are getting worked up over this

no but really I don't think you guys understand what I was doing the entire time
I was controlling all of the fireworks
I controlled the clock because it was broken
I had a third client to view the clock but I ended up crashing with the third client
I had to place all the spawns down for the minigame when it all broke
and because of one thing ike did with music to break the server, it was all my fault. hell, i could have not restarted it and kept the stupid spam that was being blasted
I hosted for momentum before new years so he could BUILD and made LOOPS thats it. Nothing more to it, I did some bitch work here and there but the entire reason momentum posted was because I didn't want to get as much recognition because I didn't feel it was fair.
I paid upwards of $60 to let momentum build for everyone and we don't ask for donations.

but hey, its my fault right when one thing goes haywire and I try to fix it. All my fault for fixing a friends problem! I wasn't even mad at ike for that.

Last year was similar as well, I did the exact same thing as this year and got a bunch of recognition for it. I don't want to be known around here anymore. This isn't some ego boost. I wanted to see people happy and that's what I like doing. Even if I'm not the nicest around here I still try to make my friends happy.
I don't want any sympathy, I just want you all to know that what happened isn't entirely my fault.

tl;dr don't give me recognition, I don't want it
« Last Edit: January 01, 2016, 12:42:42 AM by Nal »

and because of one thing ike did with music to break the server

Wasn't on purpose by the way, there was an accidental exploit with the setGlobalMusic event that would start multiple incidents of the same song and only one can be remotely stopped. It was an oversight and I'm sorry

maybe it's a metaphor for what 2016 is going to be like

nobody's saying you guys didn't work hard

you guys innovated a lot it was just in the wrong areas
« Last Edit: January 01, 2016, 12:21:14 AM by Alternat¡ve »

ok momentum you listen here you little stuff
unban me

ok momentum you listen here you little stuff
unban me
why are you banned

Anyone who keeps bombing on the server, forget you. Seriously. Nal shouldn't be a target for stuff and he should calm down. people don't know what they don't know, nal. no need to get jimmies jimmed

You know how hard it is to do actually put together something and not have it fall apart? They tried. It isn't like they ignored the issues.

Sure, they did have a few unnecessary stuff, and some stuffty loops, and some really bad events, but the build was amazing and they actually tried to put together a little something this year. Now, I am not saying this was perfect. But maybe the team should take this as a learning opportunity (hint: build a different kind of map).

You should stop whining about a "boring" and "unsurprising" experience. Get the hell off your computer and celebrate with your foster parents, orphanfamily.

ok. drama done now. enjoy the new year. :)
« Last Edit: January 01, 2016, 12:25:55 AM by Swat 3 »

before we started working on it, i wanted a cool forest concert theme for 2016 (ofc they didnt like it) but you know there's always next year ;)

I don't think anyone's really mad. maybe mr lol or people in the server I guess? but I don't see anyone else I would call mad in this thread

I'd like to thank Pecon for dealing with some of the stuff our admin team had to deal with. Without Pecon we wouldn't have had a service that didn't have a single crash. While the server did have lag that wasn't our fault. Blockland uses one core, and we can't do anything about it. I understand if you're all angry, but don't direct your attention and pitchforks at us. We can't control 142 people all at once. It just cannot be accomplished.

Pecon really, when or if you manage to realize this I feel terrible for pestering you through this, it was just a hard time to get this all done at once. We managed to do it and I want to thank you personally.

First save of New Years - 7/4/13 ~ estimated
Last save of New Years - 12/31/15