
Best character

Han Solo
Leia Organa Solo
Poe Dameron
Luke Skywalker
Resistance Troops
First Order Troops!
Kylo Ren
Captain Phasma
Flame Trooper
Mouse Droid
Useless Background characters
Cypthon would have been good in the movie.

Author Topic: STARWARS EPISODE VII: The Force awakens / Episode 8?! Already?  (Read 33116 times)

Clearly there was extreme prejudice in the casting decisions.

Why else would there be so many Brits in the film??
John Boyega
Daisy Ridley
Gwendoline Christie
Andy Serkis

Even Simon Pegg and Daniel Craig had cameos.

Episode 9, I reckon. Tie it off neatly there. Possibly the same with Luke/Chewie.

I'm not sure anyone will do an episode 10/11/12 down the line, but I don't think they will want to leave the characters alive by Episode 9, because if there is an Episode 10 the actors probably won't be around anymore, and consider how crappy it would be to hear that Luke/Leia died off-screen.

Better to kill them off yourself than have time do it for you.
Chewie is young. Plus they had someone else do chewie for this movie. chewie is good. chewie should stay.

Clearly there was extreme prejudice in the casting decisions.

Why else would there be so many Brits in the film??
John Boyega
Daisy Ridley
Gwendoline Christie
Andy Serkis

Even Simon Pegg and Daniel Craig had cameos.

the two new stars should have been white and male!!!!

Clearly there was extreme prejudice in the casting decisions.

Why else would there be so many Brits in the film??

wasnt it shot in london lol

wasnt it shot in london lol
Just outside London, at Pinewood studio, the same one that does all the James Bond films.

Surprisingly one of the few new main characters not played by a Brit was the main villain.
Kylo Ren was played by an American and defeated by some Brits. Normally it's the other way around.

The American was the bad guy because something something social commentary symbolism.

What is worse? The fact we are getting a Terrible director or that Michael Bay is directing a kids movie.

Im curious about wth JJ Abrams is doing if he isn't directing Episode 8.

1 more year until episode 8

Im curious about wth JJ Abrams is doing if he isn't directing Episode 8.
He'll keep busy with other projects.
Maybe a new Star Trek is in the pipeline.

He'll keep busy with other projects.
Maybe a new Star Trek is in the pipeline.

the two new stars should have been white and male!!!!
I thought about this, i see they tried to tie the story with modern society's problems by including a black storm trooper to keep the racism aspect down and a female character to keep the feminism down, but come loving on.  Apparently popularity is more important than the original plot

Im curious about wth JJ Abrams is doing if he isn't directing Episode 8.

spending time with his family

I thought about this, i see they tried to tie the story with modern society's problems by including a black storm trooper to keep the racism aspect down and a female character to keep the feminism down, but come loving on.  Apparently popularity is more important than the original plot
you ever think maybe it doesn't matter

it's star wars