
Best character

Han Solo
Leia Organa Solo
Poe Dameron
Luke Skywalker
Resistance Troops
First Order Troops!
Kylo Ren
Captain Phasma
Flame Trooper
Mouse Droid
Useless Background characters
Cypthon would have been good in the movie.

Author Topic: STARWARS EPISODE VII: The Force awakens / Episode 8?! Already?  (Read 33113 times)

i loved that stormtrooper

he just got stuff done, even threw his rifle away to get a real battle going

he even would have beaten Finn if Han wasn't there

oh yea, i just noticed that
tho i dont think that's the right size comparison

what i find dumb is that rey doubted the jedi even existed and then had what seemed to be almost complete control over her force powers
and what luke had to train for idk how long with ben and yoda to get a hold of everything
is she just some sort of prodigy

My brother said that Rey could potentially be related to Luke, similar to how Luke and Leia were related but separated. IDK where he got that from tho

what i find dumb is that rey doubted the jedi even existed and then had what seemed to be almost complete control over her force powers
and what luke had to train for idk how long with ben and yoda to get a hold of everything
is she just some sort of prodigy
Anakin could see a computer screen without looking at it when he was 8 and only ever heard about jedi in episode 1.

My brother said that Rey could potentially be related to Luke, similar to how Luke and Leia were related but separated. IDK where he got that from tho
Hey so did you watch the movie at all?

Honestly one of the better StarWars films. Better than the prequels and Episode 5 imo.

The only flaw I had was that the casting for Kylo Ren looks GOD AWFUL. He does NOT look the part AT ALL.

Second, Snoke. I hate the name and how it's almost just forced into the story that hes the ''supreme bad guy''. I'm sure it will all just be explained but I'm really hoping Snoke isn't a new character but secretly Darth Plageuis or Jar Jar Binks or something lmao.

I watch the movie again

A lil obvious but in Reys flashback when she sees Like touching R2 is that when Luke's leaving and when R2 powers down? Also I think the person Ren kills in the flashback is holding a lightsaber

The only thing that really bugged me was that they called the star powering the Starkiller the sun, even though that's just the name of our star.

the whole sequence with Ren being strapped down was pretty bullstuff. Kylo Ren trying to force out Rey's thoughts looked awkward rather than intimidating (even if it was supposed to show his relative weakness as a sith, it still was bad). Also Rey somehow knowing how to implement the mind trick (despite no force training) was a stretch

A lil obvious but in Reys flashback when she sees Like touching R2 is that when Luke's leaving and when R2 powers down? Also I think the person Ren kills in the flashback is holding a lightsaber

regarding the flashback and Luke sitting next to the fire with R2; we don't actually know when or where that took place, but we assume it was right before he left. Perhaps Luke saying goodbye to R2?

And the knights of Ren are depicted standing over hundreds of dead Jedi. The knights were created specifically to end the race of jedi

Second, Snoke. I hate the name and how it's almost just forced into the story that hes the ''supreme bad guy''. I'm sure it will all just be explained but I'm really hoping Snoke isn't a new character but secretly Darth Plageuis or Jar Jar Binks or something lmao.
John Williams somewhat confirms it here.

I watch the movie again

A lil obvious but in Reys flashback when she sees Like touching R2 is that when Luke's leaving and when R2 powers down? Also I think the person Ren kills in the flashback is holding a lightsaber
Yeah I think Luke is putting R2 into low power mode, and using the force to tell him when he should reboot.
I believe that's when the knights of ren slaughter Luke's academy.

the whole sequence with Ren being strapped down was pretty bullstuff. Kylo Ren trying to force out Rey's thoughts looked awkward rather than intimidating (even if it was supposed to show his relative weakness as a sith, it still was bad). Also Rey somehow knowing how to implement the mind trick (despite no force training) was a stretch
I imagined myself having being strapped to it and thought that would be terrifying..

Anakin could see a computer screen without looking at it when he was 8 and only ever heard about jedi in episode 1.

I want to slow down and see if I can pull anything from the part of the flashback when it seems Rey is being pulled away from her family

Also I want to know what is being said and shes falling backwards out of the room and into reality. I couldn't make out what was being said

In my opinion it would have been better if they didn't make Luke turn around and he continued to face the cliff and Rey just pulls out the lightsaber and holds it towards him

I want to slow down and see if I can pull anything from the part of the flashback when it seems Rey is being pulled away from her family

Also I want to know what is being said and shes falling backwards out of the room and into reality. I couldn't make out what was being said
The only thing it shows was her, young, being held by Unkar Plutt, telling her "quiet girl" or some stuff like that, then it shows a ship taking off. Couldn't make out what ship. Also yeah, I think I heard obiwan saying Rey.

EDIT: Wow. Just found this on reddit.

My attempt at breaking down Rey’s Flashback/Flashforward scene. It contained scenes of her past and possibly future. The flashfoward scenes are mostly connected to Kylo Ren.
-Rey hears yelling of a child saying ‘No’
-She goes into the room and finds Luke’s lightsaber
-Once she touches, she finds her self in a lit corridor. It reminds me of Starkiller base corridors.
-“The energy” said by an unknown
-The corridor starts to crumble and crashes then Rey falls
-“Nooooo” man yelling. (Luke from ESB)
-The camera zooms to Luke and R2D2. There’s something burning in the background
-“Binds us” said by unknown
-Rain pours down and Rey looks up to find someone swinging a stick at her. He gets stabbed from the back by Kylo Ren. The man swinging the stick yells in pain. It seems that the man with the stick (is that the same stick Rey is carrying) is a member of the Knights of Ren and Kylo is stopping him.
-Rey stands up and is shocked by her surrounding. Corpses lying everywhere and the Knights of Ren standing in the center. -Kylo Ren turns to face her and starts approaching her.
-“No, come back!” yells a younger version of Rey in Jakku as she looks at the spaceship fly away “Quiet girl” says Unkar Plutt, the Jakku Junk Dealer Possibly suggesting that she was traded for the ship.
-Rey looks at the spaceship and the blue sky turns to black and the sun to red.
-Now Rey is in a snowy forest and Kylo Ren appears suddently with his lightsaber drawn, forcing Reyt o fall back and out of the ‘acid’ dream
-“This is the first step” (said very sinisterly imo)

Calling it now that Rey goes sith