
Best character

Han Solo
Leia Organa Solo
Poe Dameron
Luke Skywalker
Resistance Troops
First Order Troops!
Kylo Ren
Captain Phasma
Flame Trooper
Mouse Droid
Useless Background characters
Cypthon would have been good in the movie.

Author Topic: STARWARS EPISODE VII: The Force awakens / Episode 8?! Already?  (Read 33052 times)

In my opinion it would have been better if they didn't make Luke turn around and he continued to face the cliff and Rey just pulls out the lightsaber and holds it towards him

while that would have an entirely different effect, i find that Hamill had so much emotion and said a lot with his expressions in that scene

i'm watching it again today and that may well be the scene i'm most looking forward too (besides kylo's tantrums)

kylo ren is so angsty and gross looking i wish he kept the mask on

To be honest, I think Abrams went about making original trilogy parallels the wrong way. Instead of blatantly copying the originals in terms of story, characters, et cetera, he should have made the general aesthetic and vibe the movie gives more like the originals, that being a sort of 'alien sci-fi' vibe where everything is quite mystic and interesting. I personally think the feeling of the originals was a really large part of what helped make them what they are now.

Anyway, speaking of copying the originals, I think Abrams followed the story far too closely. Look, it's the death star but bigger(complete with singular weak point)! Look, your sort of mentor person everyone looked up to and liked got killed by the second-baddest villain! Look, our villain has temper tantrums when he's told bad news, too! Look, we have a cantina! Et cetera... I get that you want to show that it's similar and you want to capture the magic of the originals, JJ, but that's not the way to go about that - it's the way to look like you're just plagiarizing them because you're too lazy to put your own twist on the series, especially since the way you fill in the gaps is horrible(see: R2D2 activating again for no reason, Maz Kanata(orange cantina lady) having Anakin/Luke's saber for no good reason(that I can remember, anyway; if there was an actually decent explanation, feel free to correct me), etc).

Also, the new characters and groups are pretty flat; at least, the new ones. The First Order feels like it's being run by kids and not seasoned professionals, considering most of the officers look like they're under 30; meanwhile, we barely see the new republic at all and they get blown to forget, and the resistance is a flat copy of the rebellion. The new characters are just cookie cutter emotions except for the older characters - Finn wants to run away for 2/3rds of the movie, Rey wants to go home for 2/3rds of the movie, Captain Phantastic is an even stufftier Fett, and Kylo Ren is consistently an angry, edgy, somewhat perverted kid. Hell, the fact a stormtrooper who nearly beat the forget outta Finn is more adored by the general public than any of the new main characters says a lot about that.

But most of that is just my opinion. I realize it'll never live up to the originals considering how amazing they were, and, for what it is, TFA is a good movie(Certainly better than the prequels, anyway) in it's own respects. I liked it, but not enough to want to watch it twice.

I saw it again yesterday and it was just as great the second time around.

am I loveist or something?

I really wanted Finn to be the one who was force sensitive, it would really enhance the conflict between good and evil between his clone programming and his newfound Jedi prowess and new ideas.

It would have honestly made a better movie and I'm dissapointed Rey is the force sensitive when she has nothing to offer.
Most of my friends and family think the same too.

What do you guys think?

am I loveist or something?

I really wanted Finn to be the one who was force sensitive, it would really enhance the conflict between good and evil between his clone programming and his newfound Jedi prowess and new ideas.

It would have honestly made a better movie and I'm dissapointed Rey is the force sensitive when she has nothing to offer.
Most of my friends and family think the same too.

What do you guys think?
Rey has nothing to offer???

Rey is as, if not more, talented than Finn in every aspect

i think it was more to do with the trailers and movie building up to him being the force user and having it kinda suddenly be Rey instead. like, the trailers show Finn with the lightsaber all the time, but the actual movie puts those after we learn about Rey's powers. i wont judge which one would be better though because we haven't gotten the whole story yet. i bet theyre gonna elaborate the hell out of Rey's backstory in the next movie so the decision to make her the force wielder would probably make more sense then.

i think it was more to do with the trailers and movie building up to him being the force user and having it kinda suddenly be Rey instead. like, the trailers show Finn with the lightsaber all the time, but the actual movie puts those after we learn about Rey's powers. i wont judge which one would be better though because we haven't gotten the whole story yet. i bet theyre gonna elaborate the hell out of Rey's backstory in the next movie so the decision to make her the force wielder would probably make more sense then.
That's JJ Abrams mystery box for you

Rey has nothing to offer???

Rey is as, if not more, talented than Finn in every aspect

i'm not talking about talented, they could have made finn this clunky, amateur force sensitive which still needs training, but later starts to develop his powers to mirror the movie more

also it would've been bad-ass to include a scene where he just thinks about his clone programming and his light side ideas

clashing like Anakin Skywalkers clashing

it would've just been better imo

clone programming
stormtroopers in the first order aren't clones. they're normal people

stormtroopers in the first order aren't clones. they're normal people
There is a mix, I believe.

One of the officers mentions that they should have more clones after Finn deserts, claiming that the clones are more loyal.
Most of the troopers are natural-born humans, however Finn says he was kidnapped as a child and trained up, rather than being recruited.

There is some level of conditioning /brainwashing the troopers undergo, however few of them are clones.

There is a mix, I believe.

One of the officers mentions that they should have more clones after Finn deserts, claiming that the clones are more loyal.
Most of the troopers are natural-born humans, however Finn says he was kidnapped as a child and trained up, rather than being recruited.

There is some level of conditioning /brainwashing the troopers undergo, however few of them are clones.
But I thought in EU it was stated that clones were no longer being used because of a rebellion by the Kaminoans?

well that shoots down my idea that Finn was a baby of the resistance, that got placed in there, knowing he'd get a stuff ton of info and leave.
But I thought in EU it was stated that clones were no longer being used because of a rebellion by the Kaminoans?
EU isn't canon

But I thought in EU it was stated that clones were no longer being used because of a rebellion by the Kaminoans?
I'm unfamiliar on the lore of the Clone Wars, which is canon, but there may be cloning facilities in other systems that the First Order uses.

At any rate there are no Clones from Episode 2/the Clone Wars still alive, as the Clones age at double speed and only last about 40 years max, I think.
So, Kamino or not, the First Order must currently still be cloning, as there can't be any prequel era clones left.

they kidnap younglings from their families and teach them at birth or a very young age ways of the first order

the ginger captain tells kylo ren this