Author Topic: There is this kid that sits by me in school, and..  (Read 4897 times)

well that's just absurd, surely he knows you know he's messing with you
It isn't messing with you when he blames you for doing bad things and goes telling half of the school that you beat him up.

It isn't messing with you when he blames you for doing bad things and goes telling half of the school that you beat him up.
use an app on your phone to record from the microphone and then wait for him to forget up then play the recording back when he says no
if they see hes lying they will probably believe you about the other stuff

It isn't messing with you when he blames you for doing bad things and goes telling half of the school that you beat him up.
so obviously this can't be solved by just beating him up because that's had negative consequences on you already

you tried just being really nice to him?

so obviously this can't be solved by just beating him up because that's had negative consequences on you already

you tried just being really nice to him?
I've tried being nice to him a lot. In fact, I'm on of those kids in school that are really funny and nice. This kid doesn't deserve doesn't need attention.

EDIT: In fact, i think he is being on of the bullies that bully you because your really nice and they don't expect you to react to what they do to you.
« Last Edit: December 03, 2015, 11:39:36 PM by Cypthon »

they say violence doesn't solve anything but you'd be surprised how much the ol' fisticuffs solves

bully him harder
literally out ass the ass
trust me, it's what I do

for starters, i'd say next computer science class ask your teacher if you could move to a different seat. that means you won't be in close proximity. if the teachers refuses to let you move, tell him this kid has been consistently forgetin with you every day. once you're away from him in a classroom setting, hang around friends as much as possible - being in a group is key to not letting starfishs push you around.

Spread false rumors about him so that people turn against him

why would someone else say someone else beat them up and lie about it? i think that makes them look weak

Kick his ass if hes stronger then you do a 3 minute montage of you pumpin iron with inspirational music then go to school the next day and then beat the stuff out of him, the end problem solved

Bring a gun to school and threaten him with it saying you can beat your dad at target practice

i think that makes them look weak
I actually lol'd to this.
Fun story.
He is one of the kids that look like they are in 3rd grade because of how small he is. Me and the girl are bigger then him which was a surprise since i thought the boy was taller. Besides, I actually am more powerful compared to his weak ass.
I should also mention a talk we had.
Listen to this cancer.
(We for some reason had to make a power point about us.)
The guy brags about how he eats a lot of fruits and vegetables and plays outside 24/7. Saw his power point and saw his hobby was playing Video games such as Black ops 3 or fall out 4.

Boy: Dude, you are like very huge or fat.

Me: At least I'm not the guy who plays video games for a Hobby. (totally rekt him)

Boy: Well, I'm not fat. I eat fruits and vegetables!

Boy: I also play a lot of sports!

Me: Then why is your Hobby on your power point Video games instead of sports? (again i rekt him)

He began bitching a bit more then eventually says,

Boy: Do you have a problem with fat people?!
Me: You were calling me fat 5 minutes ago. (rekt again)
He began talking about random bull stuff and how he got Black ops 3 early. Just so you know, I'm not actually fat, i look sort of Buff but actually not.

so what's really the problem if you can make fun of him all you want, beat him up, and he's shorter than you and less liked?

i was originally assuming this guy was someone who posed a threat but you seem to be more of a threat to him than he is to you. maybe that's why none of the teachers believe you.

leave the guy alone

leave the guy alone
I do leave him alone, but he keeps trying to get me mad by doing some bull stuff every day. I haven't really even done anything to him. I was using the short and tall to respond to the replies saying to fight him.