Author Topic: There is this kid that sits by me in school, and..  (Read 4934 times)

if Cypthon decides to fight against the asshat, then the asshat's lies will become true and Cypthon will get a bad reputation, letting the asshat win. that's what the asshat wants.
if Cypthon does not fight, he will win and the asshat will lose. he only needs to hold it out a little more, figure out a way to get the teachers to believe him.
forget asshat
K I C K  H I S  A S S

There is always the simple solution.

Kill him and bury his body miles away.  :cookieMonster:
« Last Edit: December 04, 2015, 12:42:07 PM by Filipe »

He probably wants your richard, sounds like a solid case of confused loveuality.
Either way just beat him up for real.
and then give him a big ol kiss afterwards. maybe spit in his mouth a little
« Last Edit: December 04, 2015, 12:45:18 PM by mod-man »

and then give him a big ol kiss afterwards. maybe spit in his mouth a little
He probably wants your richard, sounds like a solid case of confused loveuality.
Either way just beat him up for real.

Just go talk to the principal or teacher about it.

either tell a teacher or take matters into your own hands.
have you tried talking to a teacher about this? if not, you should go do that
No forget that
Just beat the living stuff out of him
And show your crush you're the alpha male by peeing on him while you're at it.

No forget that
Just beat the living stuff out of him
And show your crush you're the alpha male by peeing on him while you're at it.
are you forgeted in the head or something

are you forgeted in the head or something

he could stuff on him too

he could stuff on him too
well he is forgeted in the head so might as well stuff on his head

Simply use your phone to record at all times, then play it back when a teacher/principal walks up and starts chewing you out.

itt people who have never been in a fight telling op to get into a fight

itt people who have never been in a fight telling op to get into a fight

have you ever been in a fight

rape him
but don't turn it into murder
seriously though, man up, and do what my dad told me
get a roll of quarters, put em in the cracks between your fingers, and loving wail on his ass

get a roll of quarters, put em in the cracks between your fingers, and loving wail on his ass

oh my god that's genius

just brass knuckles out of nowhere he'll never see it coming