Author Topic: There is this kid that sits by me in school, and..  (Read 4893 times)

Earlier today, in the lab, we were working on a Sway or something about the Civil war. He for some reason had been making really loving weird animal noises like monkeys stuff, which makes me thing he is handicapped. He was looking at NFL football players instead of working on the Sway, (and no he wasn't done..). Eventually, we were loving around, by we i mean me, the girl, and "Manimal" since we had free time before the school bell rang. Eventually, this is when he loving crossed the line. Again, he says false things to the girl, but this pisses me the forget off. He did a loveual thing to her. By that i mean he said something like, "Hey [blank], [blank] has a stick that wants to go into a butt". Something like that. This loving guy i swear. I just want to slit his throat for being a smart ass and richard.

Earlier today, in the lab, we were working on a Sway or something about the Civil war. He for some reason had been making really loving weird animal noises like monkeys stuff, which makes me thing he is handicapped. He was looking at NFL football players instead of working on the Sway, (and no he wasn't done..). Eventually, we were loving around, by we i mean me, the girl, and "Manimal" since we had free time before the school bell rang. Eventually, this is when he loving crossed the line. Again, he says false things to the girl, but this pisses me the forget off. He did a loveual thing to her. By that i mean he said something like, "Hey [blank], [blank] has a stick that wants to go into a butt". Something like that. This loving guy i swear. I just want to slit his throat for being a smart ass and richard.
seriously though, man up, and do what my dad told me
get a roll of quarters, put em in the cracks between your fingers, and loving wail on his ass

10 letters, say it with me now!

K  I  C  K   H  I  S   A  S  S
they say violence doesn't solve anything but you'd be surprised how much the ol' fisticuffs solves
bully him harder
literally out ass the ass
trust me, it's what I do
Kick his ass if hes stronger then you do a 3 minute montage of you pumpin iron with inspirational music then go to school the next day and then beat the stuff out of him, the end problem solved
Beat the stuff out of him. Who cares if you get suspended. He won't mess with you again
beat the stuff out of him outside of school. if ur under 18 ofcourse. if u have a few thugish friends then get them to help you out.
Hate to say it, but Kick his ass and take the 3 day suspension,  he will never mess with you again.
He probably wants your richard, sounds like a solid case of confused loveuality.
Either way just beat him up for real.
if Cypthon decides to fight against the asshat, then the asshat's lies will become true and Cypthon will get a bad reputation, letting the asshat win. that's what the asshat wants.
if Cypthon does not fight, he will win and the asshat will lose. he only needs to hold it out a little more, figure out a way to get the teachers to believe him.
forget asshat
K I C K  H I S  A S S

forget it, I plan on doing this soon if he forgets with me again. I'm also going to swear him out if he even tries starting up with me.

You have no choice now, but to shoot up the school.

Its a shame guys like you are such pussies these days. Normally a kid would actually kick his ass or snitch the stuff out of him, both would be acceptable.

But crying to random people for a non existant 3rd option is easier i guess.

bisjac what happens when op shoots up his school and the police trace back to your post lmao

bisjac what happens when op shoots up his school and the police trace back to your post lmao

Blame video games

still this is a good example of how not to react to stuff like this

the kid is just being mean to you, if you couldn't have figured out the solution by now then you're pretty much hopeless

I told him to shut the forget up and don't mess with me today. I told him to stop messing with me or i would take action. I also did a little "bargain."
I told him if he stops being a richard to me, then i would give him some gum (since i have a lot)
Also, i found out I'm not the only one he forgets with. He also messes with the girl such as
Picking his noise infront of her
stealing her phone
making loveual noises

I told him to shut the forget up and don't mess with me today. I told him to stop messing with me or i would take action. I also did a little "bargain."
I told him if he stops being a richard to me, then i would give him some gum (since i have a lot)
Also, i found out I'm not the only one he forgets with. He also messes with the girl such as
Picking his noise infront of her
stealing her phone
making loveual noises
If he keeps going on find out who else he forgets with and team up with them, that share the roll of quarters with them and beat the living snot out of him till he begs for mercy.

Also if majority of the class hates him they will most likely rid him of the class whether it be move him or kick him out of the school.