Author Topic: Why do grades matter/Education argument thread  (Read 8390 times)

what kind of world is this where an angsty stressed out depressed teenager is suppose to perform well enough in an environment full of other angsty depressed stressed out teenagers to set up potentially their entire future/ go bankrupt because you're not a perfect 4.0 student with no problems who bitches when they get a 95 in a class
I'm mad because I have two c's because my teachers are horrible and I'm horrible
« Last Edit: December 05, 2015, 08:45:50 PM by Clownfish »

usually they're a measurement of your skill

usually they're a measurement of your skill
skill at being really upset and staying up all night and taking a test half asleep after the teacher taught you jack stuff and you taught yourself 90% of the information and only 50% of that was on the test and you miss most of the questions

Maybe if you spent less time wallowing in self pity and more time studying you'd have better grades. It's harsh, but it's true. You aren't going to get ahead by feeling sorry for yourself and no amount of sympathy from people in your very situation is going to make it any better or less stressful.

Do yourself a large favor and start working harder early so you don't regret it later. I can assure you any workload from highschool or wherever you go to school at is unmanageable. Get a habit down now before it's too late

it can be argued that it shows the skill of obedience.

skill at being really upset and staying up all night and taking a test half asleep after the teacher taught you jack stuff and you taught yourself 90% of the information and only 50% of that was on the test and you miss most of the questions
in that case I guess your school is just stuff, because tests here are away more relaxed

Maybe if you spent less time wallowing in self pity and more time studying you'd have better grades. It's harsh, but it's true. You aren't going to get ahead by feeling sorry for yourself and no amount of sympathy from people in your very situation is going to make it any better or less stressful.

Do yourself a large favor and start working harder early so you don't regret it later. I can assure you any workload from highschool or wherever you go to school at is unmanageable. Get a habit down now before it's too late
I just failed a test I actually studied for and I'm livid and that's why this thread exists

usually I stay up too late though

grades don't really matter, just don't fail your classes

plenty of 4.0 students kill themselves during finals anyways

They matter because people think what maxwell does. What they are actually a measure of is a mix of attention span, patience, confidence, and a pinch of skill.
I get really annoyed when people bitch about bad grades too, it gets on my nerve.
Not saying that you are horrible or not, because how am I to know?

Also your school obviously isn't very good, so don't blame yourself

Maybe if you spent less time wallowing in self pity and more time studying you'd have better grades. It's harsh, but it's true. You aren't going to get ahead by feeling sorry for yourself and no amount of sympathy from people in your very situation is going to make it any better or less stressful.

Do yourself a large favor and start working harder early so you don't regret it later. I can assure you any workload from highschool or wherever you go to school at is unmanageable. Get a habit down now before it's too late
This all the way. Work towards your goals instead of shifting the blame onto others, but do make sure they're realistic goals. Even if that goal is getting a C. Don't overwork yourself.

I just failed a test I actually studied for and I'm livid and that's why this thread exists

usually I stay up too late though

If you are actually studying hard and still getting stuff grades then pool your effort into maintaining passing grades until you can graduate or go with the old salting the earth trick and transfer to a different school district.

High school is not a make-or-break crossroads of your life. So long as you don't forget everything up completely there's no way your life is going to end because you got bad grades. If they are really bad, you can at least make up for it later in a less bullstuff-y but more roundabout way.

But don't fall for the self-pity meme and end up spending less time trying to get good grades and more time worrying about how you're going to get better grades. You're just setting yourself up for failure.

I get really annoyed when people bitch about bad grades too, it gets on my nerve.
honestly I'm okay with people bitching about grades but if you miss like 4 points on a 50 point test and you whine you deserve to have that test rammed down your loving throat
okay that's a little extreme
This all the way. Work towards your goals instead of shifting the blame onto others, but do make sure they're realistic goals. Even if that goal is getting a C. Don't overwork yourself.
This is what I've been trying, but I can't honestly say that I didn't get a stuffty roll of die with my teachers, I'm borderline at a d in one of the classes and my goal is to somehow squeeze out that c
High school is not a make-or-break crossroads of your life. So long as you don't forget everything up completely there's no way your life is going to end because you got bad grades. If they are really bad, you can at least make up for it later in a less bullstuff-y but more roundabout way.
My school really likes to remind you every 10 seconds that if you aren't scoring a 4.0 gpa you're forgeted even if that isn't true and they stuff on any student with more than 2 b's
I'm loving serious too
« Last Edit: December 04, 2015, 01:07:45 AM by Clownfish »

What classes are you getting bad grades in?

nothing really matters my man

What classes are you getting bad grades in?
Algebra II and Spanish III

it's finals time so I'm a little high strung and now I'm yelling about it at an internet forum about block games