Author Topic: Why do grades matter/Education argument thread  (Read 9348 times)

I don't think I've ever gotten actual "grades" on anything other than graduation/exit exams.
What kind of things do you get graded on?

classwork(labs, projects, presentations, etc), homework, tests(smaller exams throughout the period), quizzes(smaller tests), and then the final exams every trimester

that's how it is for my old school at least. Most schools have semesters and idk about what other kinds of graded work

i feel the same way. during my freshman year i completely forgeted up on my grades (did zero homework and only passed 2 classes out of 8), and now i have an extremely low chance of getting into the only college in my area. can't even get into a computer major now.

Grades don't matter. Nothing matters.

Grades don't matter. Nothing matters.

How Can Mirrors Be Real If Our Eyes Aren't Real

Grades don't matter. Nothing matters.

Or if we aren't being Mr. Edgelord McGee, we could phrase that as: Everything matters.

Or if we aren't being Mr. Edgelord McGee, we could phrase that as: Everything matters.

We are so insignificant in the entire universe that we are smaller than ants.

We are so insignificant in the entire universe that we are smaller than ants.

smaller than ants. we're probably just dust particles or simple prokaryotes compared to the ever expanding universe

How Can Mirrors Be Real If Our Eyes Aren't Real
funny and original

Now if your grades mattered to the point where you'll be able to colonize other planets, sure. Until we start colonizing planets then nothing matters. The human race will slowly die out if this does not happen.

Now if your grades mattered to the point where you'll be able to colonize other planets, sure. Until we start colonizing planets then nothing matters. The human race will slowly die out if this does not happen.

it's feels good to find somebody who thinks the way i do.

Time to start colonizing.