Author Topic: this is the worst time to be sick  (Read 722 times)

So, yesterday I guess I caught some illness at school and I had to stay home today because I may have strep throat and/or a fever. The real pain in the ass about that though is that today I was supposed to present a project for English, and now I might have to stay after school to present it now. I don't get why I can't just present it on Tuesday but whatever. Also, I have six extremely important tests I have to take on Saturday and Sunday to get my federal license for amateur radio. It isn't necessary, but if I pass the final test, I get my license and an automatic 100% on my midterm for that class. I really really can't miss Saturday and sunday but at this point I may have to

the RNG gods rolled a bad day to make you sick

the RNG gods rolled a bad day to make you sick
also i slept from 6pm yesterday to 11am this morning and i'm still really tired idk why
i just went to the bathroom and spit up a red chunk of something and it looked like my tonsils so that happened also im fever dreaming pretty hard while typing this so i just dont know what i doing right now

Here, have this. FROM ROCKY
« Last Edit: December 04, 2015, 03:25:40 PM by RockyDoctor65 »

Here, have this. FROM ROCKY
need to talk about anything?
you doin okay there buddy?
anything wrong, anything bothering you?

need to talk about anything?
you doin okay there buddy?
anything wrong, anything bothering you?
likely nothing, he's on the internet for the first time

LOL I'm incredibly sick too.
Delaware sick buddies

LOL I'm incredibly sick too.
Delaware sick buddies
the contamination zone


Here, have this. FROM ROCKY
im sick from this