
favorite dex weapon

2 (25%)
1 (12.5%)
5 (62.5%)

Total Members Voted: 8

Author Topic: Warframe Megathread - fifth anniversary - log in before 3/28 for excal skin  (Read 168221 times)

The primes tend to follow a loose pattern going from oldest to newest in an Male-Female pattern. For example, the last prime we got was Zephyr, a female frame, and the next prime is Limbo, a male frame. And the frame that came next after Limbo is Mesa, and she's a female frame, so the logic follows that Mesa is the one to be primed next. However the pattern is followed loosely, so don't bet on it.
they tend to do 2 of the same gender, hence oberon and hydroid, valkyr and banshee, mirage and zephyr, etc

im pretty sure its limbo then chroma then maybe mesa

said literally everyone at 10:54, 11:54, 12:54, ...

Sacrifice quest was kinda a disappointment honestly.

when I got to the end, instead of being amazed and everything, I was just kinda left thinking "thats it?"

a lot of the quest was kinda tedious (partially my fault for not levelling 5button stuff but you have to go so out of your way to do it, its annoying.) and while it was very lore heavy and interesting when it got to the story bits, the gameplay just kinda lacked imo and the ending just felt like it fell flat.

The quest was hyped up to be a big thing like TSD and TWW but honestly it just felt a lot more like one of the more minor quests like silver grove or chains of harrow.

not to mention theres no interesting systems added with this update like there was with the previous two major quests, making this update not really feel all that significant.

overall, its okay, 6/10.

7/10 because we can mod exalted weapons now, that's worth a point

7/10 because we can mod exalted weapons now, that's worth a point
thats true, also Umbra being able to still fight while you're using transference is pretty neat too, wish all warframes could do that.