Super steam Fallout 4 HARVEST giveaway! POSTAL 1 AND 2 GIVEAWAY!


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Author Topic: Super steam Fallout 4 HARVEST giveaway! POSTAL 1 AND 2 GIVEAWAY!  (Read 31792 times)

no no, you got it all wrong it was actually GTA V

How did you figure out the code, lol.

The code was 68H8
How did you figure out the code, lol.
Yknow this thing you posted?

wellll you didnt totally censor it so i was able to totally match up the 6 and the 8 with the first and last characters of the blocked out part
and there were 3 pixels left at the top of the 2nd last character so i used that to narrow it down further and there was one pixel in the 2nd character aaaand it just goes on from there, I managed to get it down to 18 possibilities before i just started trying them all in the code redeemer.

The code was 68H8Yknow this thing you posted?
(embarassing cow udder sucking image)

wellll you didnt totally censor it so i was able to totally match up the 6 and the 8 with the first and last characters of the blocked out part
and there were 3 pixels left at the top of the 2nd last character so i used that to narrow it down further and there was one pixel in the 2nd character aaaand it just goes on from there, I managed to get it down to 18 possibilities before i just started trying them all in the code redeemer.
lmao i was gonna mention that
but then i said 'nah', i think, don't honestly remember since i was tired lol
good job mate

You know I still haven't got that game yet and I even messaged Lord Tony on steam AND on the forums.

auto add me for each giveaway