Author Topic: NEW SERIES of Islamic Terrorist Attacks  (Read 3152 times) <-- London attack which took place merely a few hours ago

Three individuals were injured, but only one suffered severe injuries.

Are these attacks starting to become an everyday occurrence in the developed world now? Delete-attack-kills-27-lake-chad-island-141801619.html

A triple Self Delete bomb which took place in Chad killed twenty seven, and wounded eighty. Islamic State-affiliated group Boko Haram claims responsibility for this atrocity.
« Last Edit: December 06, 2015, 03:36:05 AM by Bear_Tracks »

well, at least he didn't blow himself up and no one died so that's a plus

well, at least he didn't blow himself up and no one died so that's a plus

I know! Also check the updated OP!

well, at least he didn't blow himself up and no one died so that's a plus

Islamic State-affiliated group Boko Haram claims responsibility for this atrocity.
one of those groups takes responsibility for everything that happens. until an actual investigation proves within reasonable doubt that it was them, you should take what those people say with a grain of salt
also I can't wait for igloos to show his true tribal colors once again. I expect it to happen in this thread but we'll see

one of those groups takes responsibility for everything that happens. until an actual investigation proves within reasonable doubt that it was them, you should take what those people say with a grain of salt
also I can't wait for igloos to show his true tribal colors once again. I expect it to happen in this thread but we'll see

Unfortunately the same things were said with the Paris attacks, many believed that CIA claiming responsibility for the attacks weren't legitimate.

Unfortunately the same things were said with the Paris attacks, many believed that CIA claiming responsibility for the attacks weren't legitimate.
I'm not saying they're lying, I'm saying you have no reason to believe them

I live 5 stops away from Leytonstone station, its very worrying now that people are going crazy around here :( 

oh my god what the forget
twice in a row
in one night (?)
forgetin' hell

Well, at least he didn't have a gun.

Wow, last time an islamic attack occured in my country was about 70 years ago in the israeli embassy and in the argentine jewish community central building.

If terrorist attacks begin in England, you're all screwed. Your police has no weaponry and callingthe special forces takes time.

Wow, last time an islamic attack occured in my country was about 70 years ago in the israeli embassy and in the argentine jewish community central building.

If terrorist attacks begin in England, you're all screwed. Your police has no weaponry and callingthe special forces takes time.
that's because nobody cares about argentina

Your police has no weaponry

I find this hard to believe

do you have a source for this information or...??