
Remove map Docks? (Must have a replacement)

14 (41.2%)
20 (58.8%)

Total Members Voted: 34

Author Topic: RandomizerDM! (v2.2) - [New poll] *Online  (Read 29878 times)

I have no idea what that first sentence if trying to convey
Pretty sure he's calling out every gamemode maker on blockland pretty bad at it.

imo: infinite lives per round/20 pts to win sucks. map rotation should be 20-30 minutes, not 2 hours. five seconds of invincibility might be fine for one life only, but with infinite lives it sucks because someone can spawn and kill you and you can't do anything about it.

people spawning in with invincibility but still capable of shooting is dumb.

pretty sure I died more to newspawners than actual fights.

explosives not hitting through walls is stupid
why doesn't my nuclear missile launcher hit this man through a plate

explosives not hitting through walls is stupid
why doesn't my nuclear missile launcher hit this man through a plate
« Last Edit: December 11, 2015, 11:40:41 PM by WaterOre »

Pretty sure he's calling out every gamemode maker on blockland pretty bad at it.
oh, I see it now. For some reason it looked like he was complaining about people stuffting on him for not updating the game

balance my ass i shot a rocket at a guy behind one of those railings on a building, it hit the railing and didn't even affect him

yo here's a request
know how you don't get self-damage at the invincibility? make it so you can take self-knockback or something
it stinks spawning and trying to rocket jump with nothing happening

yo here's a request
know how you don't get self-damage at the invincibility? make it so you can take self-knockback or something
it stinks spawning and trying to rocket jump with nothing happening
this x1000

this x1000
Easily done by making the player take only 1 damage and then healing it instantly during pre-round

Or you can do invincibility by packaging player::applyDamage instead of whatever else, because then player::applyImpulse will also be called from a higher function.

Or you can do invincibility by packaging player::applyDamage instead of whatever else, because then player::applyImpulse will also be called from a higher function.
i learn functions i never knew existed before every day.

Flairieve or whatever his name is, he's being an starfish. He keeps flying around the map and changing music, although nobody wants him to. He then mutes anyone arguing with him because he's wrong.
Why is he an admin?