Author Topic: Server_FF_BrickTrail  (Read 3714 times)

Something like this:

messageAll('MsgAdminForce', %client.getPlayerName() @ " has been eliminated!"); - 'MsgAdminForce' is a tag, which plays the same sound when someone gets the auto admin message, so is ''
This also works:
messageAll('', '%1 has been eliminated!', %client.getPlayerName()); - %1 is the replacement for the first argument after the message (can go up to %13 if I remember), '' is normal to use.

You can also use Announce(%message).
Thanks for the advice! Ill remember this for the future :)

Yeah, last night someone said something about using this mod for a "bhop" gamemode in Blockland


Love the add-on btw. Don't know if I said that the other night.

how about events can apply trails to any player or admin-only commands to apply trails to any player, and turn them off as well?

how about events can apply trails to any player or admin-only commands to apply trails to any player, and turn them off as well?
I dont know what you mean by events. And admin only commands to like, enable another user's trail?