Author Topic: donald Annoying Orange probably disqualified from running (unconfirmed)  (Read 12596 times)

its a liberal conspiracy!!
i bet if barrack HUSSEIN obama said these things everyone would agree with him!!
just wait for obama to enact martial law so he can get his third term
Please tell me you're not being serious

its kinda obvious

I've met people who seriously believe these things, a lot of people. So i'm no sure anymore

I've met people who seriously believe these things, a lot of people. So i'm no sure anymore
Frankie is one of the resident liberals here in the forum. he's joking.

Frankie is one of the resident liberals here in the forum. he's joking.
since when
im pretty moderate both ways

Yeah thats going to disqualify him.

since when
im pretty moderate both ways
Well ok then. I more or less guessed based on how you addressed some issues.

I for one, will actually not be pleased if this is confirmed.

I for one, will actually not be pleased if this is confirmed.

history tells us people with views similar to Riddler can become presidents
Riddler is a good example of this
And we know the signs of a genocide and have for a long time, but haven't been able to stop too many.

Presidents do stuff that are "against the constitution" quite frequently.

Also presidents get elected regardless of things that should theoretically disqualify them because nobody actually cares enough about said things.

Presidents do stuff that are "against the constitution" quite frequently.

Also presidents get elected regardless of things that should theoretically disqualify them because nobody actually cares enough about said things.
except this time. this time they care and they're doing something about it.
I for one, will actually not be pleased if this is confirmed.

I for one, will actually not be pleased if this is confirmed.