Author Topic: Maxx's Land of Source Maps [tdm_solutions released and available!]  (Read 2808 times)

so im bored with myself
and i thought
"forget it lets map lol"
and its actually kinda fun
so yea
heres what im working on
tdm_solutions: (CS:GO)
tdm_solutions is a team-deathmatch based map that allows the players to choose their spawnpoints while not interfering with the other team, players are supposed to traverse throughout 3 rooms and eliminate the other team and dominate the arena!

development pics:
room #2 (warehouse style room)

room #3 (gang-neighborhood/broken neighborhood style room)

room #1 (close quarters fort like room)

what i have planned is a two set series of tunnels that are not directly straight to prevent awpers from completely sniping anyone who walks through, that'd be a stuffty motive
for now they're all just directly connected by straight tunnels but im fixing that soon

This map is just a small building for a tornado map series that I work with/beta test, i entered a competition to see who could make the best building
mine is small so it fits the "valley" style of the map, the reward is that the building is placed inside the actual map itself and i get to see my building in a tornado map or w/e

future ideas:
i have ideas for a tornado map in garrys mod, just something small
and i also have an idea for a defuse map in csgo, idk how i would balance it but i'll find out
i'll sometimes stream mapmaking if i feel like it, nobody really watches though (fine by me if they don't like it, it's their choice)
i'm not the best mapmaker but these are the only two maps i have actually created on my own, only other map work i've done to learn hammer editor was when i would edit maps from another guy, and publish the edits privately

Current uploads:
« Last Edit: January 02, 2016, 04:56:47 AM by Maxx° »

does your tornado activity on garry's mod involve gmsc?

Forgot to mention I mainly want to see top down. I want to see your brush work.

does your tornado activity on garry's mod involve gmsc?
im a beta tester and i made some assets for a map
i work with the devs sometimes
« Last Edit: December 12, 2015, 03:57:30 PM by Maxx° »

I still haven't seen any wireframe, c'mon Maxx. That's what I came here for. (Also are we allowed to post some of our own source map photos?)

(Also are we allowed to post some of our own source map photos?)
that'd be pretty cool actually

I still haven't seen any wireframe, c'mon Maxx. That's what I came here for. (Also are we allowed to post some of our own source map photos?)
eh i've been working on another project, i'll do that later

Alright but is that a no to other people showing their maps?

Alright but is that a no to other people showing their maps?
imo just create a separate thread

its currently nicknamed gm_tornadochase, name subject to change

TDM Solutions was released under a third rendition of the map.
I ask anyone who actually downloads it to playtest and give opinions, you don't have to do this but i'd prefer if you can.