Author Topic: 2015/12/12 - Blockland r1983  (Read 44785 times)

So the first one prevents Zapk's exploit from ever happening again, but what does the second one do?

hey i found a bug
when you're tumbled and chat is open and you Self Delete/die and respawn
chat is stuck and you cant close it
spooky, this has happened like twice now

Still no fix for OS X Steam version writing all new folders to USER root (/) instead of Blockland root and thus no new files in folders that don't exist yet get created?

thank 4 gifts
i gib gud tag 4 u

Bug Report

The setBotType event is saving the bot type's datablock's object ID number, instead of it's UI name.

This means that if you
1. Save bricks.
2. Update the server with new addons, changing the datablock count.
3. Restart the server.
4. Load the bricks you saved.
1. Any events that had "setBotType" in them, will not work.  Since the object ID it is referring to, (in my case object 1303), is no longer a valid bot type datablock.

I have tested this on an entirely default version of Blockland (r1983).
This bug isn't new to the latest revision...
I discovered it r1972, though it's likely been there since bot holes were introduced.

tldr; setbottype event is loving up

so has the home-hosted dedicated server runtime errors been fixed yet or no.

so has the home-hosted dedicated server runtime errors been fixed yet or no.

Bug Report

The setBotType event is saving the bot type's datablock's object ID number, instead of it's UI name.

This means that if you
1. Save bricks.
2. Update the server with new addons, changing the datablock count.
3. Restart the server.
4. Load the bricks you saved.
1. Any events that had "setBotType" in them, will not work.  Since the object ID it is referring to, (in my case object 1303), is no longer a valid bot type datablock.

I have tested this on an entirely default version of Blockland (r1983).
This bug isn't new to the latest revision...
I discovered it r1972, though it's likely been there since bot holes were introduced.

tldr; setbottype event is loving up

please correct me if i'm wrong but isn't everything needed for bots in separate add-on folders?  isn't this a patch that could be released by someone other than badspot?  when I worked on MRPG I swear I remember there being random pieces of the bots that weren't in the folder and I assumed the where just packaged in the games base code but that was nearly a year ago so I have no clue.

I'm not sure.  I know a large amount of it is in Bot_Hole.  But I don't recall seeing anything about saving.

Right now the event sets it as an Object ID.  Like- event[4] = 1303, on the actual brick.  Maybe Bot_Hole could be adjusted to store it as the bot name, and then look up the ID from that name every time the event is executed.