Author Topic: Lord Tony's new infatuation with endlessly harping on Fallout 4  (Read 74204 times)

"don't harass my clan!!"
*harasses other clans*

if I didn't know anything about lord tony I would certainly assume he's a 10-12 year old who has just recently been introduced to computers
jfc that is handicapped

"don't harass my clan!!"
*harasses other clans*

if I didn't know anything about lord tony I would certainly assume he's a 10-12 year old who has just recently been introduced to computers

I don't see how one post is considered harassment. After the pages and pages of stuff posting people have spent on my clan page.

After the pages and pages of stuff posting people have spent on my clan page.
Maybe because you're really annoying???
Oh, no, it must be because you didn't let them into your clan!

Maybe because you're really annoying???
Oh, no, it must be because you didn't let them into your clan!

That makes sense.

You guys find someone really annoying and instead of ignoring the annoying person you break into his house just so you can listen to him annoy you.

You find me annoying so you stuff post my clan page to hear me talk to you some more.

You find me annoying so you stuff post my clan page to hear me talk to you some more.
You're kinda in the same place with this drama.

You're kinda in the same place with this drama.

Not really because this drama is about me and calls me out and tries to single me out. Then you expect me to not show up for it.

Not really because this drama is about me and calls me out and tries to single me out. Then you expect me to not show up for it.
Well I mean if you didn't want to hear it, you would've stayed away so people would not hate you even more.

It's not like I am making stuff up either when I post in the fallout thread. I've spent a total of 81 hours and counting on this game. While I still find the game fun in some areas, it's not the best game in the world. It's better than Fallout 3 but it doesn't beat New Vegas.

if I didn't know anything about lord tony I would certainly assume he's a 10-12 year old who has just recently been introduced to computers
he's like a 26 year whom im assuming still lives at home and just does stuff on the computer all day
but the fact that you assumed he was about 12 says a lot about him, doesnt it

Same for servers. Why would you have someone you don't like on your server? You wouldn't. You would ban the person.
Banning people who haven't done anything wrong because you don't like is a terrible way to administrate a server.

If you go to the NMA forums they say the exact same stuff I've been saying except they are louder and more aggressive about it.
That doesn't matter. Just because someone out there is also being an star fish doesn't make you any less of one.
I'm just voicing my opinion.
And people have made it clear, serveral times, that nobody cares about your opinion.
And, opinion or not, it's extremely annoying when your justification for that opinion is stupid, and you constantly post the same "criticism" again and again, with nothing prompting you to repeat it.
It's not like I am making stuff up either when I post in the fallout thread. I've spent a total of 81 hours and counting on this game. While I still find the game fun in some areas, it's not the best game in the world.
This is like anita sarkessian saying that she's been a fan of video games all her life and therefore any possible criticism she could have of a video game is completely valid, and anyone who says otherwise is a mysoginist.

This is like anita sarkessian saying that she's been a fan of video games all her life and therefore any possible criticism she could have of a video game is completely valid, and anyone who says otherwise is a mysoginist.
i mean granted her opinions imo should be taken with a grain of salt, they're still valid opinions that she has the right to voice. just like tony has the right to voice his opinions about fallout in a public fallout megathread

I coulda sworn there was one fairy tale or something where a guy kept exiling all his citizens until he was the only one left that would apply to this.

Blockchip I'll make sure to create a raffle only for the people who hate me. That makes sense.

I made an open giveaway just recently to all of those with a registered and functional account on this forum. Did I care if someone who I hated got in the raffle, hell no, it wouldn't affect me in the slightest. At this point you're stirring the pot intentionally to get the entire forums riled up like the old days. You haven't changed and we gave you multiple chances. At this point you have a snowballs chance in hell in ever growing up.

I'm sincerely confused as to what the harvest is